I tapered a couple days after that short(48hrs)taper, I went cold turkey for 96hrs. Here's where the tricky part comes in, I was given IV Dilaudid on the 1st day, changed ?overnight & was given IV Fentanyl, then to Percocet & oxycodone. I was give a script for Percocet for which I could not fill because 2 or more pic ID's, which I don't have(long story). I was in a lot of pain aft surgery, I had to be striaght @ lest 3 times. I have a history of Spinal Stenosis & had two discs removed fr my C-Spine(in my neck) approx. 2 yrs ago & ? may have had refereded (sp)? I was toughing it out big time (&still am) I could't (approx) wait at least 8 hrs. My surgery was done at different hosp than the one nearby I my docs, surgeons, they re approx 35-40 yrs away. I don't know what to? I do have a horrific h/a & I was given 2doses of & 1other dose IV for high, a couple before I was d/c'd. HELP!!
I had gallbladder surgery Tues. 09/20/11, I had been taking Suboxone, which I tapered on over a?
Question posted by ccdaily on 23 Sep 2011
Last updated on 23 September 2011
3 Answers
Not a helpful anwer sorry I just wanted to say I hope you get better soon and I'm sorry for all your pain and discomfort. Gd luck I will pray for your healthy recovery. Jaime}litlmommag
I also don't know exactly what you are asking nor your current situation. How about reposting here, and this time don't use all those abbreviations. They aren't standard abbrivs, and I know not what most mean.
I also needed Gall Bladder surgery while on Suboxone. But in my case it was emergency surgery because the Gall Bladder ruptured. Now that was pain on 10. Constant screaming. I was supposed to switch off Sub and on to MsContin for 5 days and then the surgery. It never happened. But since I was supposed to do that, the morning the Gall Bladder ruptured I had many MsContin pills. I was only off Sub 8 hours. I got the pain to die down with the MsContin, but I needed about 300 mg. After the surgery I was given IM Morphine shots very often. They kept me out of pain. I was in the hospital 4 days. They then gave me MsContin for long term pain at home, and 2 or 3 IR Morphine tabs for BT pain. I did well with this.
When it was time to go back on Sub, I found I was having to many wds with Suboxone. So I used Subutex. I still had to endure minor wds for 11 days. Then I was fine again. Btw, I choose to stay on Subutex, and did wonderfully for 5 years.
So what exactly are you asking?
WoW! You really did have a hard time. I was on Methadone Maintenance for pain & began taking Suboxone when I had a hard time after neck surgery. I would rather be back on Dilaudid or Fentanyl. When I taking Methadone, then Suboxone, I had no idea that other opiates (for me), that was why I stopped the Methadone & went on the Suboxone. I feel as though Suboxone is dangerous because of an example, like Thor283, there are so many physicians that are not familiar with Suboxone. I thought Subutex & Suboxone were pretty much the same thing.
Suboxone is Buprenorphine + Naloxone. The Nalox is there so you can't shot it. You will get sick.
Subutex is pure Buprenorphine. I prefer it because I say you absorb some of the Naloxone and it makes you feel wds. I don't shoot anything.
8 hours off and then Sub? You might get away with it. Take small pieces of the Sub at a time. If you don't feel wds keep taking a small piece every 1 hour. Or wait 12 hours. Best 24 hours. It depends how much of what you last took.
Hey ccdaily,
I'm not totally clear as to your situation. If you are home now and have no opiate based pain medicine and are not going to restart the Suboxone you are going to be in withdrawals. If you were to restart the Suboxone, you need to be in sufficient withdrawals to prevent precipitated withdrawals and then you'll need to slowly increase your dosage to the appropriate dose.
I would contact the Suboxone doctor and explain the situation. Hopefully, he can guide you as to the best avenue to take.
Best wishes,
Thanks for your quick response, I guess that I may not have made myself all that clear, I had had the surgery&could not get the opiate Percocet (at discharge from the hosp) to help me get thru the post-op pain @ home. I could not get the Percocet. I have Suboxone at home & I could only wait APPROX. 8hrs before I thought I could take the Suboxone?
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dilaudid, suboxone, gallbladder disease, cough, pain, surgery, gallbladder
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