My pain management doctor prescribed buprenorphine/naloxone sublingual film 8. 2 and gabapentin 900 mg a day in January 2023 for chronic back pain. I was taking tramadol prior to that. Since April I have been experiencing anxiety attacks. He has lowered the gabapentin to 300mg a day. He suggested switching buprenorphine/naloxone to Percocet to see if the buprenorphine is causing the panic attacks. I’m worried about withdrawals? He said there shouldn’t be since they are in the same drug class. He has prescribed Zoloft 50mg a day, but it hasn’t helped. He also prescribed Xanax 0. 5mg if needed. I have taken a half dose 3 times when I was having an attack. Scared of addiction to that. My life was never like this until I started buprenorphine. Has anyone had similar symptoms or switched the drug to another opioid?
How to stop buprenorphine/naloxone and start Percocet?
Question posted by bulldog0923 on 16 June 2023
Last updated on 7 August 2023
Hi, bulldog!
I'm not a doctor, just wondering why your doctor prescribed the buprenorphine/nalaxone which is used in opioid withdrawal?
It can cause anxiety:
Common (1% to 10% of users): Anxiety, depression, nervousness, abnormal thinking"
Wildcat thank you for pointing that out to me. I saw that for myself. The only thing I was on ( for pain ) was tramadol. He has put me on buprenorphine/ neloxone 8. 2 mg, gabapentin 300mg a day ( decreased from 900)and Zoloft 50 mg ( increased from 25 mg ) all this since January 2023. Originally we thought the anxiety / panic attacks were from gabapentin so he decreased that. He told me 3 days ago we could stop the b/n ( to see if that was causing these issues) and go to Percocet. No withdrawals!? He says no. I’m wondering if eliminating the naloxone would help? I won’t see him for 2 weeks. I’m researching as much as possible and will pose these questions. Thank you again.
Because of the acute anxiety symptoms I’m experiencing, my dr agreed to prescribe my Buprenorphine script without the Naloxone. I have been taking this new medication exactly 2 weeks and my anxiety seems to be worse. Shaking and hypersensitivity to noises and temperature. Now I’m seriously thinking about requesting my original script. Buprenorphine/Naloxone 8.2. I can’t find any comments from others that are prescribed this combination for pain. Suggestions and comments please!
Hi Bulldog, The buprenorphine will help with your pain but you don't need the naloxone. I would look to the Xanax causing extra anxiety if you take as needed then stop using it. Works great when taken. But it's missed when not used. I believe you should use the smallest amount of buprenorphine you can. 8ml is quite high and over time time will cause anxiety. Hope you get the help you need. Polar.
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percocet, back pain, buprenorphine, buprenorphine/naloxone, gabapentin, naloxone, prescription, pain management, chronic back pain
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