I was on 10mg for 2 weeks my psychiatrist increased it to 20mg and I have taken that dose for 3 weeks now. I have had a couple of really good days but still to many "bad" days. I mainly have anxiety which I am also on valium 5mg 2 x day. I am having a hard time with stress at work. I find I make myself ill and start shaking. Does anyone have any input to help perk me up?
How long to notice a difference when starting prozac?
Question posted by rosdan2000 on 9 April 2010
Last updated on 14 September 2018
7 Answers
I have been taking 10 mg Prozac for three weeks now. Notice a slight difference with my anxiety, but have had burning skin off and on everyday for over a week. Has anyone else experienced this symptom??
Hi Melly5, yes i have had this experience.
I get a strange sensation where when I sleep under the fan (I live in the tropics) the moving air "burns" my skin even if its on really low speed. I wake up at night with a strange cold-burning sensation on my entire body that is facing up. I also find that I get pain from sitting or lying pressure on my underside also. Its not unbearable but its noticeable and a bit uncomfortable.
It seems like some form of neuropathy to me where the nerve endings are overly sensitive. I hope it goes away.
From what I’ve read you should be right on the verge of starting to feel better . Talk to yourself tell yourself nothing but good things .no negative trash. I tell myself positive things all day long. Helps me get through the day.
Well both 10mg AND 20mg are fairly low doses of prozac, they go up to 40 (as far as i know, there could be even bigger ones). So if youve only been on them for 5 weeks and the first two weeks were only 10mgs a day you may still need time to let it build up in your system. I would say talk to your doctor for sure and dont stop the prozac, give it at least a few more weeks before you give up on it
hi rosdan2000,years ago i was put on prozac for 1 month after starting i still didn't feel any relief from the weight i felt on my shoulders.that was when prozac related suicide was all the rage. i stopped it and was switched to amitriptyline(elivil) and did much better right away. elivil helped with sleep and anxiety.been on it off and on for years. on it now for 9 months and no benzo's.but when anxiety hits hard and it does,nothing but removing myself from the cause of it helps...
It takes 4 to 6 weeks before you will notice any major changes and if after that time you dont notice any postive changes then you should talk to your doc to make sure your on the right meds for you,hope this helps
I had the same problem and went through a couple of meds until THE DOCTOR and YOU finally get the right meds going but do expect it to take six weeks until your brain and the chemicals get togther The best advise is from a dr. If your own Doc can't get you on something to then it is time to let a specialist like a psyciatrist just for meds not theapy for that you would seek a counsler.
Hi rosdan; I have a couple of years on Prozac although i'm on zoloft now [you switch Drs., you switch drugs ! ?] I had good results with Prozac but it's a slow starter and can take 4 to 6 weeks to reach full effect.
I'm no shrink, for sure, but something in your post bothers Me. Which one of you... you /shrink... is responsible for your present lead/lag situation, where you have depression as your LEAD problem, and anxiety as your less important or LAG problem .If you will read again what your post is saying, I think you will aggree with Me that the reverse is true... that ANXIETY and STRESS are your LEAD problems and they are causing you to become depressed.[LAG] Is someone hasseling you at work? What do YOU FEEL is the root cause of your stress and anxiety... and 10 mg of Valium per day is just not enough ! If you have an upcoming appt. with your shrink, print this out and bring it with you... and please let Me know how you make out ! ok?
and remember , final decisions are YOURS. He is working for you at $120 per hour. Sacosam
You have very good insite Sacosam. The stress/anxiety is my main concern. My work is stressful because I am in management and have about 250 employees under me. I have been doing this for about 11 years now and all of a sudden this past 9-10 months my body is reacting to the stressors. I have had several other stressors this year and I think it just all caught up with me. Thank you for your thoughts. I'll keep you posted.
Excellent points sacosam! Nothing I could add to top that answer.
Related topics
prozac, depression, panic disorder, anxiety and stress
Further information
- Prozac uses and safety info
- Prozac prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Prozac (detailed)
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