it be safe to take the Suboxone 8-10 hours after my last dose of Fentanyl?
Thanks for your time and insight.
Question posted by pdaddy53 on 26 Aug 2009
Last updated on 11 January 2013 by tmgtmg
it be safe to take the Suboxone 8-10 hours after my last dose of Fentanyl?
Thanks for your time and insight.
The rule is this: If the drug can dissolve in water than it will be in your system and detectable for up to 14 days and if it can't be dissolved in water than it will remain in your system and detectable for up to 36 days.
Example 1: Marijuana can't be dissolved in water and it will remain in your system for 36 days.
Example 2: Cocaine can be dissolved in water and it will remain in your system for 14 days.
With this said prolong use of any drug can prolong the detectability is hair folical tests but in urine tests the max days applies.
The half life of Fentanyl is 17 hours, that means after your last patch has been taken off, in 17 hours, one half of the Fentanyl will still be in your system. At least, that's the theory.
Geez, I put a patch of 50 mcg on and 24 hours later, I am in pain. What does that mean besides I'm tolerant to Fentanyl, your guess is as good as mine.
Anywho, wishing you the very best in your quest.
The Sweet Addicted Hippie Chickie
to find your necessary dose of suboxone, u really have to let yourself start to be in withdrawal, this means being off of fentanyl about 36 hours. the doctor generally will have you come in early so he can assess you- see how bad the withdrawal is and start you on an inital dose. (my doc started me on 4mgs) and then wait, as it takes suboxone about an hour to reach it's full relief because it's gotta be absorbed thru ur mucusal system (and needs to- DON'T SWALLOW IT- suboxone is very hard on your stomach and also needs to be sublingual or your body won't absorb even half of what you will get under the tongue!) after an hour, you won't be feeling good, but at least you will not be slamming ur fists into ur thighs anymore, doc will reassess your symtoms and supply more. (in my case, the second dose was another 8mgs... the doctor brought me in two more times and finally I left there with a rx for 24mgs-- or 3/ 8mg pills a day...
and they DO last 24 hours... 24mgs is a pretty high starting dose, but it got me comfy and warm without getting "high"... and there's a "ceiling". once I got to that dose, I couldn't get "higher" like on any other opiate, no matter how much i took- I tried.)
I would go in every 2 weeks and get a Urinalysis at random for an extra $20 to the $120 fee. that's not much and much preferable to a methadone clinic where you go every damn day and have to take it in the morning, even though that's most people's preference, as "junkies" (though i hate that word because a person is no less just because they made a bad decision to try a drug and have an addictive gene than a person who was prescribed something and has that same gene. a person who drinks and drives once and gets a dwi isn't called a "drunk driver" for life are they? but that's a bad decision that could have killed someone ELSE.) usually wake up first thing looking for drugs after a restless nights sleep. my schedule was to take them around 8pm. and after numerous clean urine tests i was able to go every 4 weeks and pay double.
now comes the decision of "do i want this to take 6- 18 months or 6-18 weeks?" for me it took 12 months and i ended it with leaving town to start a 4 year university. you will want to come down very slow at first, then faster and faster. I didn't even go down at all the first half of my treatment, then I started not needing as much. your brain has to re-learn how to make it's own painkillers again while you're doing this, keep in mind. you took a long time changing your brain chemistry, and (God pray you're under 40) it will take a percent of that time to change it back... and it may never change back completely based on time used, age started, age you are getting clean, etc.
But you really do have to be in withdrawal just long enough to get sick where the doc can assess how much you need. you want to get it right. so that one day of hell is worth it. But at least you leave that office out of w/d and totally able to drive, work, etc. and you don't have to worry about where your dose will come from each day. (ps- don't try to get high while on suboxone, as mixing opiates or other opioids with suboxone create an "anti-opiate" effect and make it LESS effective against withdrawal, and kind of make you sick.)
It is only safe to start taking Suboxone once you are in withdrawals from the fentanyl. I cannot give you a time frame of when you will start going into withdrawals because everyone is different and starts to withdraw at different times due to what they have been taking, the amount they take and so on. I suggest waiting until you at least are expieriencing some mild to moderate withdrawal. Withdrawals symtoms include but not limited to chills, body aches, fever, dilated pupils, hot and cold sweats, goodbumps, sneezing, runny nose, anxiety, vomiting and diarreha. Taking Suboxone before going into withdrawal will only make you sicker then you could imagine. Hope this helped some. Nikki
I would speak with a doctor. As already stated, you must be within withdrawal to start suboxone. I know for me, that was 24 hours; I was taking up to 25 Vicodin a day at one point which makes me suprised that I'm not dead yet, if anything from the thousands of mg's of acetaminophen I was consuming. I'm surprised I still have a functioning liver.
Suboxone is a touchy drug and must be handled carefully. The first day my doctor gave it to me I was high as a kite and then crashed like a Mac-truck 10 hours later. The first day will make you nauseous, might give you head aches, and you might vomit. You also will feel very tired. Just hang in there and make sure you are doing all the steps of addiction treatment and not relying solely on the suboxone. I tried suboxone and it failed (or I failed). Now, I'm straight cold-turkey, for the last week after 6 long years. It's hard as hell, but you can do it. I'm still trying to keep my head up as well. Good luck!
Unfortunately you have to be in mild to moderate withdrawals to start the Suboxone program. Opoids fit just so on the receptor sites in your brain. The receptor sites must be vacant for the Suboxone to fit on them and get you out of withdrawals. I was taking Lortab and I am not sure exactly how long you will have to wait to get all the Fentanyl out of your system, but, I only had to wait 24 hours. The Doctor who puts you on Suboxone will be able to tell you how long you will have to go into withdrawal before the Suboxnone will work. If you do it too early, it can send you into even worse withdrawals. Please take someone with you to the Dr.'s office the day you start Suboxone as you will be really fatigued and you won't want to do much of anything. You can handle 24 hours of withdrawal I promise. I know some people are saying that they had to wait 72 hours to get off Methadone and onto Suboxone, but, it might only be 24 to 36 hours.
Don't try to get some illegally and do it or you could really really make matters much worse. Go to the Suboxone website and it explains the procedure really simply. Good Luck and God Bless
suboxone, opiate dependence, pain, fentanyl
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