I was using Voltaren tablets. With the topical version I have less stomach irritation but am still curious about the side effects, in particular stomach upset and face flush.
How effective is Voltaren topical for costoshondritis?
Question posted by barneybear on 28 Oct 2009
Last updated on 30 October 2009
typo: the condition is "costochondritis".
barneybear; Before I answer this question I would like to ask you a question. I see that you said you have costoshondritis. Do you mean costochondritis? Pain and swelling at your rib joints and your breastbone. I do not want to give you the wrong answer if I am missing this syndrome. I have never heard of costoshondritis. Hope to hear back from you.
Yes.you are correct; that was a typo. Sorry.
barneybear; Thank you for answering me back. As far as your side affects are you will probably continue to have the face flushing. You are putting a topical solution of steroids right over your heart technically. That gets absorbed right into your blood system. I would say that as long as it helps with your pain then I would put up with it. I commend you for getting rid of the oral meds and going with the topical. It is so much better for you and your body. Good Luck to you.
Thanks for your response. I thought Diclofenac was a NSAID. It does seem to be working better now that it's been a few days. Thanks again. BB
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voltaren, voltaren topical, side effect
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