I have had high blood pressure for over a year if not longer. Here is the problem. My doctor has put me on Losartan 100mg, I have been taking it for 2 months now with no relief. Presser is running higher after I take it, presser is averaging between 156 to 210 over 94 to 106. I take an Allergy Relief medication, off-brand Claritin 24 at the same time I take my Losartan. Can this be interacting with the Losartan? I was on amlodipine besylate 5mg for a while but had to go off it because it was causing some really bad swelling and it didn't lower my pressure. I am a little overweight at 165, and my height is 5'3," and I'm 69 years old. We do eat out, once a week, but I make all our meals from starch, so I watch the salt intake. I don't take any other medicines, I do take vitamins, Centrum "Silver" Adults Multivitamin & Multimineral, Fish oil 1000mg, and Calcium 600mg with D3. Just wanting to know if any of these are interacting with the Losartan? One last thing I have a problem with medicine doing the opposite to me than what it's supposed to do. That's why I had to go off the amlodipine besylate. Doctor is talking about adding a diuretic, have my concerns about taking this. Thank you for any information you can provide.