I've had x-rays, multiple tests, a colonscophy, tests and treatment for infection, etc. I've even followed the fodmap diet to some degree. Nothing resolves this problem. Never any pain, just a very enlarged stomach. My gastroenterologist has no answer at this point. I've just started Gas-X and hope to find some results. Any thoughts?
Gas-X - For approximately two years, I have been experiencing a very enlarged stomach after eating;?
Question posted by monterey23 on 10 Jan 2015
Last updated on 14 April 2015 by SimplisticNature
Gas-X has helped me when I have bloating right after eating or drinking bubbly drinks. Sometimes I get bloated without having eaten anything recently and I find when this happens Gas-X doesn't seem to do much to relieve symptoms. I have found that digestive enzymes also help with bloating and can be taken right before a meal. Also as a side note, Gas-X helps relieve the bloating by making me fart more. I notice an increase in flatulence around an hour after taking it so you probably don't want to take it right before a date.
Have you tried a gluten free diet? Do you have trouble with constipation?
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gas-x, gas, diet, stomach, treatment
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