I was told to go to a pharamacy and ask for valerian root which Dr. Mattewson said it would help me about my xanax situation. I've been on xaxax for 20 yrs and that's the only meds that help me with my bipolar & epilisey and he aint helped me out any all in the way i know whats best for me. I need help really bad I think of hurting myself or someone AND THIS IS NO JOKE!!! I need someone to talk to me.
My dr. told me that Valerian root would help me with my benzos withdarwls & not having my meds?
Question posted by coopertone on 12 May 2013
Last updated on 8 March 2014
4 Answers
If you have been on Xanax for 20 years, you cannot just go off it and expect Valarian root to work in its place. Valarian might have worked for anxiety if you weren't already using Xanax but it is not going to stop withdrawals. You are going to wind up having seizures trying to go cold turkey off Xanax like that! You need to find you a different doctor. If they want you off Xanax, they are going to have to wean you down slowly. Xanax is nothing to cold turkey detox off of. Opioid withdrawal will just make you feel sick like you are going to die but benzodiazepeines, like Xanax, you CAN die withdrawing cold turkey off of them. It is nothing to mess with. You should probably do an "in hospital" detox from Xanax.
i have a similar problem dzoo i had seizures in 2004 2005 i took dilantin then ,i had another mild seizure febuary 2012 from binge drinking i did not want to take dilantin no more it was horrible so the dr gave me alprazolam .50mg i been doing some research on how to ween , quit xanax since im unable to work this way, i experimented with a SSRI drug Celexa taking only powder crumbs of it and wow it worked wonderfuly i waited 18 hours between 0.125 doses instead of 12 hours , Valerian root does work well for seiuzres so does eating coriander (cilantro) , eating wheat break works good too for anxiety, so does drinking a cup of grape juice is good to prevent seizures, so can taking a small small 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt & 1/4 teasoon of baking soda with a little bit of water that helps your brain get more oxygen ,
Chamomille tea works very very well to relax in a safe way it costs only $1 for a box of 25 tea bags for me.some of my seizures were triggered from stress & anxiety so alot of those i mentioned can help you i hope this helps you dzoo or anyone else who reads this , may god bless you. try to limit your time on the computer or tv also it makes me feel bad if im exposed to lights like that too long make your screen dark if you can ,
try to order some etizolam this would be more effective if you cant get a script for xanax as etizolam is a benzo analog and would definitely work for xanax withdrawals gaurunteed
GO to ER or call 911 immediately.
What kind of dr is he? If you've got a seizure disorder you aren't just going to have withdrawal you are going to seizure. Valerian root is calming but its not going to act like a benzo. Your dr is unethical at best if he just stops it without weaning you off. Why not see a psychiatrist who could treat your bipolar disorder appropriately. Are you on anything for the seizure disorder? Please don't go in to any dr with the attitude that you know what is best for you or they will shut down and not listen. I think you should go to the er, tell them how you feel, what is happening and that you have a seizure disorder. Your dr has treated you callously and DEA our no DEA, no doctor should go against what he knows is right. Unless he's an idiot he knows he's endangering you.
Any benzo medication should be tapered down and cold turkey detox is very uncomfortable and not to mention dangerous. Valerian root is going to so nothing for you and I am a pharmacist. You should see and addiction specialist or a psychiatrist and get on a taper ASAP they need to lower your dose over time. Also tell your doctor that he is going to be held responsible if something bad happens in your detox. Such as a seizures he should be helping you and in my opinion is that is malpractice.
I totally agree with you on malpractice, not only did he not taper him off, he didn't recognize and treat the symptoms of withdrawal.
The fact that he has a seizure disorder makes this even more serious. If he were to go into status (a seizure that will not end) which could happen in benzo withdrawal especially with a seizure disorder he could actually die. That doctor should be stripped of his license. To OP get a new doctor and a lawyer.
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valerian root, xanax, depression, menopausal disorders, anxiety, insomnia, panic disorder, interstitial cystitis, valerian, anxiety and stress
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