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Does prednisone make you tired or sleepy?

34 Answers Page 2

Lorettamc87 8 April 2019

Yes and no. I am on 40 mgs right now. I was on 60 2 weeks ago. On 60 i was awake 36 hrs straight 3× a week. Now, i am so exhausted and foggy brain. Hyper not eating, exhausted eating. One piece of advice: NEVER BUY SWEAT PANTS DUE TO CLOTHES GETTING TO TIGHT. I did that 30 yrs ago when I first had to do steroids and i gained 25 lbs in 2 month. 50lbs. in a year.. I should have just stopped eating when pants got tight but the hunger is very strong. In the last 2 months, I have only gained 4 lb no sweats, jeans only. Peace.

Votes: +1
Katherineilin 8 April 2019

Yes. I have adrenal insufficiency too and taking prednisone makes me feel very weak. I have been to my doctor about this and they shrug their shoulders leaving me to try to figure this out in my own.They don't believe me, it's disheartening. Has anyone that has figured this out?

Votes: +1
Truth is offensive 8 March 2021

Your lethargy is caused by adrenal insufficiency NOT prednisone. If you are still lethargic while on prednisone it means your dose is too low. If it's a proper dose (high enough) it will give you energy

Skadi 12 Feb 2019

I was given a 5 day course of Prednisone to help with laryngitis due to a severe upper respiratory tract infection. First day, didn't notice anything different - granted I already felt crappy. Took the second one and crashed. I barely made it to my bed and then drifted in and out of sleep for several hours. There is no way I can take this and then go to work.

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Inactive 12 Aug 2018

It can. Prednisone makes me exhausted and weak to the point where I can barely function.

Votes: +1
Vocrinthedes 27 July 2019

I fully agree! I did feel a boost of energy when I took a dose on an empty stomach - until I ate a meal, and then my energy crashed badly - I felt totally, frighteningly exhausted for hours. It worked well to relieve my severe outdoor mold allergies, but this unexpected debilitating side effect developed after a few weeks, so I had to taper off.

HST 2 May 2018

I have been on prednisone for adrenal insufficiency since January of 2018. I am exhausted. The more I take, the worse it gets so I have to say, it gets old hearing that it is not the prednisone that is doing it. Sure it is. I do not even feel this tired without it. It's crazy how tired I am. All I keep hearing regarding the adrenal insufficiency is, you are not on enough. The higher the dose, the worse I feel, so I disagree. I am indoors sleeping due to prednisone.

I am exhausted on it and like someone else said, I can't make decisions or think. It's like an anesthesia type feeling. It's awful.

I don't know why people say, it can't be the prednisone. Sure it can!

Votes: +1
Charmk56 2 May 2018

I have been on prednisone for about 3 years, different doses, and now on 20 mg. Sooner or later this drug will affect the adrenal glands. I've experienced every side effect this drug has. Hair loss, moon face, etc. But the worst is the pain and swelling while weaning off. I've been in the hospital so many times telling them It's the prednisone but they ignored me. I'm weaning off myself and I hope your side effects go away soon. I will never take it again. I don't know if all the side effects will go away, ever.
So wean off if you can. There has to be another way.

HST 2 May 2018

I am so sorry. I also had hair loss from prednisone. I mean, like so much. I thought it was my thyroid but my thyroid numbers were great. I think prednisone is making me exhausted. Also, medrol made me psycho. When you have adrenal insufficiency you are supposed to be on steroids, but... how? The side effects are insane or make you that way.

Canygirl61 7 Feb 2018

Six days ago, I started a very low dose of prednisone (2.5mg), for undetermined autoimmune disease. There have been several times in the past, where I've taken a taper-pack, which I tolerated quite well. This low does is making me feel very peculiar-- spaced out and kinda tired, as if I'm my brain can't make decisions.

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momof3nfl 24 Jan 2018

OMG!!! This stuff is kicking my butt!!! I almost just nose dived into my keyboard at work!!!
I feel like someone gave me a sedative. If I start drooling on myself, I am done...

Votes: +2
Patsy_P 16 Feb 2018

I took one 20 mg prednisone today. First one for sciatica. Knocked me out. Couldn't keep my eyes open. Didn't expect that affect at all.

Matty2018 29 Dec 2017

Yes, I am on a round of prednisone now for severe asthma (exasperated) 40mg for a few days, 30 for a few, 20 on so on. I was nervous because my friend said it made his heart race. And the doctor told me to watch the carbs because of weight gain. Today is my first dose and I am tired and loopy, heart rates fine, no sweating etc... I guess everyone's body reacts different.

Votes: +2
Gspellmann 7 Sep 2017

I took Prednisone for the first time about 45 mins ago and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. I'm thinking I should avoid taking it before driving in the morning but it's unfortunate to have to miss a dose.

Votes: +1
Barraviola 21 Aug 2017

I googled this subject because I have just taken prednisolone (for a skin rash) for the second time, and as last time it has wiped me out and I had to go to bed. Clearly not all bodies react in the same way - I'm relieved to find I'm not the only one!

Votes: +2
ChelleKay 30 July 2017

For most people this is not the case. Prednisone works with the adrenaline system therefore for most people they are more edgy, have a hard time sitting still and difficulty sleeping. Some will gain weight and or have a swollen face often referred to as "moon face due to fluid retention. These symtoms are usually for people who gave been on it a while. A 5-7 day z pack will not cause these problems. Most will either have no trouble sleeping or will not be able to sleep or fall asleep easily. I have read that, for long term use, it has a stimulant effect, I have been on it for the better part of 30 yrs and sleep has always been hard to get.

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Jblackstorm 30 July 2017

Does predisone make me sleepy and or tired?

Votes: +1
Vocrinthedes 27 July 2019

It really depends on your particular metabolism, I think. It appears that many people don't feel sleepy or tired with prednisone. But some people (as you see in this thread - I am one of them) become extremely tired, weak and sleepy - for me it's not until I eat. I suddenly get frighteningly exhausted. This was a completely unexpected side effect that only developed after weeks of taking prednisone.

FloridaClay 12 July 2017

I am taking Prednisone for PMR, 3 mg per day. I noticed rather quickly that my sleep improved dramatically. I attributed this to the fact that, thanks to the Pred, I was no longer in pain with body movements. However lately I have been sleeping longer and longer at times--8 1/2 hours last night--and this afternoon while working on my computer I got sleepy and took a half hour nap. Not due to food as I'd had a very light lunch.

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Aleema 1 March 2017

On prednisone i felt on a high and had insomnia, the sleepyness and extreme fatique happened after my course had finished, then reoccuring chest infections, muscle pain, lethargic... this drug is lethal... i have to go back on them at a high dose to clear up chest infections that dont respond to antibiotics... its a vicious cycle... now im on 5mg per day just to stop the joint aches from crippling me.

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gogirl19 20 Dec 2017

My (eyes & ears) pricked up when I read your post. I was on a high dose of prednisone for about 6wks for liver inflammation and was tapered off. As soon as I fully stopped the medication my feet started to really ache, then I could feel the aches move up my limbs week to week until it was in every joint of my body. I became extremely crippled with the pain like I was 90yrs old with bone disease. My specialist chopped and changed my regular meds to see if this was aggrevating my symptoms, but not an ounce of improvement (got worse). Finally he suggested I go back and try the prednisone as this was the only other factor we changed. My pain comes and goes but in no way as it was. At least I can now walk and kneel as I am a fairly active girl. Are you aware of any other meds beside prednisone that will cease the joint pain? I really don't want to be on this drug due to the other side effects. I am taking a joint pain/repair supplement now as well.


I am off to see the Rheumoligist soon but there are no indicators in my bloodwork for inflammation in my body. I have read it may be an auto immune issue bought on by my liver stress. Please let me know your thoughts.

Barkingkitty 27 Dec 2016

I'm currently on a course of Prednisone to treat sciatica, and I'm having a hard time staying away for more than 3-4 hours at a time. I'm on vacation this week so I'm napping several times a day, but wouldn't be able to take this during a normal work week, just cannot stay awake long enough to function normally.

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prednisone, side effect, fatigue, sleeping

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