I have severe insomnia problems. I was recently on Edular. It knocked me out within minutes which was great, but then 2-3 hours later I was wide awake agian. I went to my doctor trying to get her to switch my medicine. HOPING to get Ambien or Lunesta. Something time released, and instead she gave me Klonopins!!! I do NOT suffer any kind of anxiety problems what so ever! I have been trying these pills for about a week now, even tried a double dose. Have now taken the pills about 4 hours ago and I am still wide awake. Needless to say they aren't working. I plan on calling the doctor and complaining as soon as I get back from vacation. But I was just wondering if anyone could give me any kind of input on WHY she would do this? I know xanax are sometimes given for sleep but they dont work for me either. I just don't see what the big deal is with not giving Ambien or something similar. I know sleeping pills can be addicting. But I made it VERY clear to them that I hate taking pills, only take them 2 nights a week at max if i can help it. And last time I checked, Klonopins and Xanax were more addicting than ambien.
Klonopin does work for sleep, anxiety AND restless leg syndrome I have taken it for 10 years and have never needed to increase the dosage from 1 mg.
Votes: +1
14 Nov 2017
SEROQUEL DID NOT INDUCE SLEEP AND SCREWED UP MY SENSE OF BALANCE SO MUCH I HAD TO LEAN ON THE WALLS TO KEEP FROM FALLING. I have had insomnia for years; can't get to sleep, stay asleep or some nights get 3-4 non-restful sleep. As mentioned in earlier post, I am exhausted but my brain will just not go into "sleep mode". I have tried about everything. Most do not give me any sedative effect at all or induce sleep. Finally got my Doc to write a scrip for Klonopin today. Will see how it goes...
Votes: +0
8 Oct 2012
If xanax and klonopin dont work for you to get you to sleep im sorry to tell you that ambien and lunesta and sonata will not work either. I am a true insomniac and the only thing that has ever worked for more than 2 days is Seroquel. Its for schizophrenia. It is also used for people who are manic. Anyways its the only medicine Ive ever taken that actually knocks me out. I have tried everything. Natural oils, natural pills, melatonin, meditation (this actually ususally works for me since my problem is my mind doesnt shut down) good luck - i wish more people understood how diabaling a disease like insomnia is..
Votes: +2
29 Sep 2016
Seroquel made me pass out and have a borderline seizure. NOT good and doesn't help with sleep whatsoever. Klonopin puts me in a dreamy state almost of a buzzed feeling you get after drinking but not in that sense. Mirtazapine is incredible and one of the best things I've tried. The only negative side effect is it makes you gain a lot of weight. I am naturally a very small person and I gained about 8 pounds in just one week from that.
6 June 2018
Have you tried CBD oil?
14 Aug 2012
I have been taking Klonopin for about 5 years after suffering from insomnia for most of my adult life; and it works excellently for me! My problem is obviously different than yours, but when I try to sleep, my body can be exhausted, and my brain won't "shut down". With the Klonopin, my brain catches up with my body and before I know it, I'm on my way to Dreamland. No negative side effects, no "hangover" feeling in the morning. I admit that I may be dependent on Klonopin, but the sleepless alternative is worse. Besides with my insurance, I pay less than $5 per month for my "K"; MUCH less than any OTC stuff that doesn't work for me anyway. I do wish you the best in your search for the arms of Morpheus! :-)
Votes: +2
23 March 2011
I used to have trouble sleeping and had anxiety and I was told by an E.R. doc that benadryl will work for both... and it did. maybe try using that to help you sleep until you can see your doc. best of luck!
Votes: +1
22 March 2011
maybe the doctor was trying to select a medicine that was least addicting (which I can't figure out the logic either) I think the doctor is the only one that can tell you why she selected Klonopin, since it is also short acting and you are correct it is habit forming also, but when you return from your trip give the doctor a call and just explain to her that you have followed her directions and the medication does not work for you, I know I had a bout with insomnia about a year ago and the Dr. started with Restoril, Ambien etc, but were just short term because it was only a short time until I started sleeping normally, I am sorry that I have not been of more help but you are justified in letting her know the problem that you have is not responsive, take good care,
Votes: +1
22 March 2011
Klonopin is often prescribed for those with sleep problems. It is very similar to Xanax, but lasts longer to help you sleep through the night. It also has less "hangover" effect - it doesnt continue into the day and make you sleepy. Perhaps you are on too low of a dose, or you might have a sleep disorder. Have you been to a primary care doctor to check for medical reasons for your insomnia? Also, you might consider a consult with a neurologist who specializes in sleep disorders and have a sleep study done so you will know that you have done everything possible for this problem. Have hope - my sleep disorder neurologist has seen so many cases like mine and has many things to try. A sleep study shows what is going on with your brain - then they can pinpoint your problem and work on a solution. Hope you are sleeping well soon!
Votes: +3
2 Sep 2016
That is correct. Xanax works more quickly. Klonopin takes longer to kick in but it lasts longer as well.
21 March 2011
Klonopin is used to treat anxiety. It is not effective for sleep and is HIGHLY addictive. Throw those pills away. I use Ambien and Benadryl for insomnia. Try to get in at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. It works. If you have taken Klonopin for any period of time, talk to your doctor about withdrawing VERY slowly. It is DANGEROUS to withdraw quickly.
Votes: +0
22 March 2011
Exercise is a good idea just don't do it right before you try to go to sleep!
2 Sep 2016
That is not correct. Klonopin is prescribed for sleep problems. I have been prescribed Klonopin in the past for sleep. It is prescribed for anxiety and seizures as well.
7 Dec 2016
I'm taking clonazepam for sleep once or twice a week. Not working. It used to be great. Maybe a higher dose. Only take .5 now. Haven't slept in almost 3 days