Do I use estrace vaginal cream during my period?
Question posted by sdaileynj on 16 March 2010
Last updated on 20 November 2010
It depends on what you are using it for and what your doctor instructed you to do. Generally it shouldn't be a problem for you to use Estrace vaginal cream when you have your period.
Wouldnt it leak out when you bleed during your period though? I know the vaginal antibiotic i was prescribed at the same time i was told would leak out of my vagina during my period when i bled so to take it 2 weeks before my period since im on it 2 weeks and right after my period is over.
It most likely will come out ... but perhaps some of the dose will be absorbed. So it's best to discuss it with your doctor.
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estrace, estrace vaginal cream
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