I am taking Xanax (1 mg) for over 20 years in PM for severe anxiety attacks, which helps very well. But still have bouts of depression and anger, intense pain from OS and fibromyalgia all over my body. Take Aleve only if I can't stand the pain anymore; but it doesn't help much.
Is Cymbalta contraindicated to Xanax? Since I had a thyroidectomy in 1981 I also take Levoxyl 75 mcg. Do you think Cymbalta is good for me? I am afraid to add this to my daily medications.
I don't think taking cynmbalta and Xanax would be a problem. I took Cymbalta once and also had the Xanax. My doctor prescribed both. Now she wants me to try klonopine. I have two it a few times, but, I hope she puts me back on Xanax. Also, not taking Cymbalta. too expensive w/copay. I am taking Zoloft. Don't think it is working as well.
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3 June 2014
I have tried many diff. meds over years and sum ended me up very sick and tryd me in2 sum1 I wasn't. my reg fam.doc put me back on Xanax and I haved been ok 4sum X but im findn myself very deep in help now!!! I lost my fam.doc. havnt been on Xanax 4 while now and im so dam depressed and my anxiety and panic attacks hav kept me home bound 4 month now,i am so ashamed of myself!!! any hope 4me now??