I'm diagnosed with chronic depression and have been on many antidepressants for years, some helped , but I would find my self slipping back into depression again and my psychiatrist would try another antidepressant . In June (2014) tried cymbalta within the first week had amazing results in easing my depression and anxiety like never before I felt like me again happy and content . Started with 30 mg then went to 60mg only side effect experienced was mild shakiness. Then one day in July I noticed my heart skipping a beat every few minutes and my chest just has a "heavy" feeling now and continues to skip a beat which is a very noticable and uncomfortable feeling . My psychiatrist told me to wean off Cymbalta which I did for almost 3 weeks and at the end of that time my heart was still doing the same thing so I decided to start taking Cymbalta again because of it's wonderful effect on my depression. This is the only new medicine I started and have done nothing different in my life style. My question is could Cymbalta have changed my heartbeat, in the reviews I read I have seen nothing about heart irregularities ? I will be seeing A cardiologist next week.
Does Cymbalta cause heart palpitations ?
Question posted by Sugarbean on 24 Aug 2014
Last updated on 17 December 2022 by MauneyBlake
4 Answers
I have a bad history with SNRI drugs but I was prescribed Cymbalta for anxiety/depression. Just as all the other SNRI drugs I have tried, on the third day I woke up with intense heart palpitations and my blood pressure level was very high. I can firmly say that my body is not capable of processing SNRI drugs because this is like clock-work. The third day every, single time and I end up with heart palpitations and high blood pressure.
I’m a trauma/ICU nurse, but I also take Cymbalta and have had a heart attack. My heart attack was caused from Cymbalta prolonging my QT interval. This doesn’t happen to everyone, but long QT syndrome runs in my family which put me at higher risk. My symptoms were almost exactly what you are describing. I didn’t see what date you posted your question, but I do hope that you sought care and are ok. Please update ASAP! For future reference, never take cardiac symptoms such as what you described lightly. If you or anyone else reading this experiences chest discomfort, fullness, shortness of breath, or changes in cardiac rhythm that you can feel, call an ambulance immediately! Don’t attempt to drive yourself as you could cause an accident if you lose consciousness at the wheel. Also the EMTs will be able to administer medications that can save your life in the event of an arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, or any other complication.
I am happy to hear you are seeing the specialist. I would advise not to mess with the dosage, this medication takes a while to for the changes to take effect, changing like this can cause you discomfort. I am prejudice because i do not like this med and have heard many negative inquiries in addition to my own experience with it. Keep your dosage the same (where it is right now) until you see the Cardiologist, the, if more change in dosage is instructed allow a minimum of 10-14 day before deciding if you benefit from, the change or not.
They can all cause while you are taking them. They don't alter the normal heart rate permanently. See a cardiologist. Let him determine if its something to worry about.
Wishing you the best n let Us know how it turns out. <3
Related topics
cymbalta, depression, arrhythmia, anxiety, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, chronic, antidepressant, heart, psychiatry, diagnosis
Further information
- Cymbalta uses and safety info
- Cymbalta prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Cymbalta (detailed)
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