I am prescribed .5mg xanax up to 3 times a day ... today was a good day I have not needed to take any medicine ... but im starting to feel my anxiety kick in I'm looking to just knock the edge off my anxiety... I've been trying lately to deal with my anxiety and cut down on my medicine
If cut one of my xanax pills in half will .25mg of xanax help?
Question posted by Jay1010 on 4 Aug 2013
Last updated on 6 August 2013 by amy_carver7904
4 Answers
Yes it should help
Hi Jay1010,
I am prescribed .5mg of Xanax taken four times daily. I often only take two .5mg tablets in a day, but if I have trouble sleeping or if for some reason I'm unusually anxious, I will take three or four in a day. My pharmacy made a mistake on my prescription one time and refused to fill it over the weekend. They were going to wait until they could speak with my doctor, but then they found out their error and went ahead and filled it. The withdrawals were terrible! I could never have expected how bad it really was. After going three days without my Xanax, I found my whole body shaking as I was crying at the pharmacy counter, practically begging them to loan me a few tablets until the problem could be resolved. They could not give me a loan because of the Schedule drug classification of Xanax. Thank goodness, they did find their own error (with my help) and filled my prescription.
When this happened, I thought I would wean myself off of Xanax completely before this could ever happen again. I never did; however, and I continue to take two to four .5 mg tablets of Xanax daily. I need them because they do such a good job of controlling my anxiety over a case of chronic hives I've had for four and half years.
I don't see any problem with you trying to cut your dose in half. Just don't try and stop it all together. You have to wean yourself off, and it's best to do it under a physician's care.
Good luck to you!
Please know that this is jokingly answered about w/d's - If you have to ask, you don't have them...
Your going to go into withdrawal and not know it. I usually take 1mg 3x a day but sometimes I can just do two. I know by day 3 my levels are too low and have to actually take 4 a day then 3 the next. I went into a coma and the doctors never gave me my meds ended up going thru seizures. This was 5 days after I stopped taking it.
You can just take a half I've done it, but it's going to mess you up.
Thank you for your comment and information I took the half it helped some what
What are some signs of withdrawal
Related topics
xanax, anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, medicine
Further information
- Xanax uses and safety info
- Xanax prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Xanax (detailed)
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