Can clindamycin treat a UTI infection that the culture came back shows e-coli?
Question posted by LHALE326 on 19 May 2017
Last updated on 2 December 2018
Clindamycin can be used to treat UTIs.
Don’t know where you go this from.
No, it can’t. Do not take clindamycin for a uti, it is ineffective against the common bacteria that cause uti - this is usually the anaerobic enterobacteriaceae (including E. coli) which are resistant to clindamycin.
Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is very effective for severe skin, sub-cutaneous and bone infections - these are caused by different bacteria to uti (commonly staph a).
As if this wasn’t enough reason, it also has more side effects than the typical uti antibiotics. So you wouldn’t only not get better, you may actually feel worsE.
Do not judge, ok I made a mistake , I am human... just answer the question , here we help each other out, we do not show off, Doc.-
Clindamycin can be used to treat UTIs, and is often prescribed under the brand name Cleocin. It works by preventing bacteria from producing proteins that are essential to their survival. It is most often prescribed as a tablet, but is also produced in a suspension liquid form. Like all antibiotics, clindamycin works best when there is a constant level of the drug in your body, so take it at regular intervals as prescribed and avoid missing doses.
I was not SO WRONG after all.-
Thank you for sharing this info masso, I’m always open to new sources.
I have read the article you quoted on the website you mention. The author has no qualifications in medicine, pharmacy, health care or any other related field, and the citations given are to pages with information on clindamycin that do not mention it can be used for treating uti. The author offers no evidence base for their claim, and so this article should be regarded with caution.
I will be interested to look into the mechanism of clindamycin further, but I would still not use it for uti.
The information I have given above is based on what I have been taught by microbiologists and pharmacists, and is corroborated by the BNF and by hospital treatment guidelines.
UTIs can be treated with other antibiotics that are more effective for this specific type of infection and have fewer side effects.
Clindamycin should be avoided except in infections which cannot be treated by other antibiotics as it’s effects on the gut result in a high risk of developing Clostridium difficile infection, a severe diarrhoeal disease which can be fatal in vulnerable groups.
This is why the type of antibiotic is important, and I hope that this helps someone who may be considering taking clindamycin for a uti.
On it lists clindamycin's uses for:
"Serious infections caused by susceptible organisms:
-Staphylococci, streptococci, and pneumococci, including serious respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections
-Anaerobes, including serious respiratory tract infections, serious skin and soft tissue infections, septicemia, intraabdominal infections, and infections of the female pelvis and genital tract.
-Bone and joint infections including acute hematogenous osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus and as adjunctive therapy in the surgical treatment of chronic bone and joint infections."
"..infections of the female pelvis and genital tract."
Regarding “Infections of the female pelvis and genital tract” -These infections are not urinary tract infections - they are infections of the womb, Fallopian tubes and ovaries, and together are known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Clindamycin can be used in pelvic inflammatory disease - these infections can be life threatening and fertility threatening and so the risks associated with the use of clindamycin are balanced by the benefits.
Clindamycin is not the best antibiotic for UTI as it is not as good at killing the bugs that cause UTI as it is at killing the bugs that cause PID, and the risk outweighs the benefit.
Related topics
urinary tract infection, infections, bacterial infection, clindamycin
Further information
- Clindamycin uses and safety info
- Clindamycin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clindamycin (detailed)
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