I have been taking xifaxan for about 2 1/2 years. My insurance has recently changed and they will no longer cover my xifaxan. One of the side affects is that I have been itching from head to toe.
I have cirrhosis of the liver. Can I take gabapentin?
Question posted by Julie Erdahl on 17 Feb 2015
Last updated on 22 February 2015
Hi Julie, the bile pigments (that cause jaundice) are fairly insoluble and get locked in epidermal cells where they cause intense itchiness (tear your skin off itchiness).
So sorry, like KM said it's not a medication side effect; it's a side effect of end stage liver disease. Are you on a transplant list?
Hi Julie, I looked into that medication and it is prescribed to prevent the development of brain damage in people with liver disease. I wonder why my liver doctor has not given me that choice. I have my lower legs wrapped in cotton/crepe bandages so I physically can't scratch. I should be getting a new liver in about 5 years.
What does gabapentin have to do with any of that? The itching is from the cirrhosis What you need for that is an antihistamine.
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xifaxan, cirrhosis, pruritus, gabapentin, insurance, liver, liver disease
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