They started my mom on these drugs,and she went from walking, talking, eating, one day to what looks to me like she is in acoma to me. Can you tell me if these drugs should be used like this please?
Is morphine and haloperidol and lorazepam together used to treat COPD?
Question posted by TUrtlebal on 23 Sep 2009
Last updated on 23 December 2009
These are not usual drugs for COPD, morphine is used to supress caughs. Lorazepam and morphine together are very sedating when used together. Also the older the patient the more the side effect are seen. Thiis sounds like something else is going on. I would see if you can speak to the doctor who is ordering all 3 of these meds together... Good luck..
OMG! Gal get to the Doc w/ yer mom!! Either she's not telling u everything, or u need to tell the provider a few things. My Mom has had COPD for 6 years and would NEVER be put on so many heavy DOWNERS. People w/COPD have a hard enough time breathing, this combination of drugs cld. actually slow the heart SO much that. . . SEE THE PROVIDER
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chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, haloperidol, lorazepam, morphine
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