... negative for Chlamydia and all other sexually transmitted diseases. However, I am feeling frustrated because I still have some symptoms that have not cleared up such as discharge, low energy from having the disease so long, I feel soar, bleeding in between periods and a slight discomfort. I am a little concerned because the 1 gram that I took kills the bad bacteria which causes the infection but it also kills some good bacteria. If there is anyone going through the same thing or has been cured I would love to hear your experience
Chlamydia Infection - Hi I have taken 1 gram of Azithromycin and I feel great! I have tested?
Question posted by Kay11 on 13 Nov 2013
Last updated on 3 December 2021 by I Do Not Know
6 Answers
Hi! I know you’re probably healed now and don’t use this website anymore, but I was wondering what happened after this? I’ve been dealing with false negatives that turn out to be positives for about 6 months now and I keep getting prescribed medication but nothing has worked so far. I’ve been tested for more than just Chlamydia but they’ve all came back negative. If you could reach out to me and share your experience with your treatment that would be so helpful because i am struggling greatly. Anyways i hope you’re having a lovely life and your chlamydia has cleared up!
Sounds like bacterial vaginosis. Common with sexually active women. Can come with a fishy odor.
I'm experiencing the same symptoms in terms of the discharge and odor not going away ~20 days after treatment. Did you get it resolved? Is it normal for the discharge to happen? Did any of the probiotics work?
Yogurt and probiotics help to replace beneficial bacteria and really do help. You can even use plain, non sweetened, non flavored yogurt in the vagina to help replace friendly bacteria. It takes some time after carrying an infection to get your energy back. The soreness probably is a little yeast overgrowth from taking the antibiotic. Is the discharge thick and clumpy like cottage cheese? That is Candida or yeast infection. You can get a Diflucan tablet from your Dr or use OTC Monistat.
Well it isn't like cottage cheese. It's slimy and it has a horrible odor.So I really don't think it's a yeast infection. It isn't normal and I never had it before. I have made an appointment with the doctor.I just started taking Vitamin C daily.To improve these symptoms, I also take a combination of Organic Echinacea, Goldenseal and Gentian Root. I'll tell you I feel way better than I did before but still experiencing these issues and discomfort. I am hoping that I just need time for my body to recover since I have been suffering with the disease a long time and also from use of antibiotics.I know that Chlamydia infection can drain the body energy as well as the liver and kidney. Has anyone tried herbal tablets? I appreciate advice about yogurt, probiotics and other products. Thanks for all the answers.
Taking a probiotic can help you. I take Florajen every time I take antibiotics. I had problems with Bacterial vaginitis in the past and that is what helped me overcome it. Some of your symptoms might remain for a short time even after the infection is gone. So if you are unsure it's best to get rechecked by your doctor. I have also been having trouble bleeding in between periods or having two periods a month. I read adding a B complex vitamin can help. I have been taking it for a few months with good results so far. It also helps with energy too. I take one with lunch everyday. It's basically B vitamins, extra vitamin C, and folic acid. Adding these two pills might help you too.
Thank you so much! I need to look into those products.
Eat active culture yogurt any time you're on an antibiotic. You may have gotten a yeast infection because of the antibiotic. That is fairly easily treated with creams.
Thanks :)
Related topics
infections, chlamydia infection, azithromycin, discharge, disease, energy, symptom
Further information
- Azithromycin uses and safety info
- Azithromycin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Azithromycin (detailed)
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