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Can you take Naproxen with Suboxone?

3 Answers

Nik.Nikita 25 Feb 2011

Naproxen is advil, it's the same thing. This OTC drug is safe with Suboxone. If it works for you that's great, take it. Wish it worked for me. Suboxone is doing the trick for me, so I'm o.k. NIK

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yoyoyo123 7 June 2012

Naproxene is not advil. Advil is ibuprofen. Naproxene is naproxene.

yochaddfergy 4 Dec 2013

Your all right on that except you mixed up Advil and Aleve, Naproxen is Aleve and Ibuprofen is Advil and ofc Acetaminophen is Tylenol. Common mix up though

yochaddfergy 4 Dec 2013

my bad didn't see someone else corrected you

Cathleen186 24 Feb 2011

I sure hope so, I just took some today for back pain and I take sob also.

Votes: +0
Inactive 24 Feb 2011

yes, you just want to stay away from opiates, you can take tylenol, aspirin or advil as well.

Votes: +2
Lilmama2u34 3 Sep 2018

Thank you! free discount card

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suboxone, naproxen

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