I have been taking medication for years now. I recently requested buspirone 5mg (low dosage) when needed from my doctor. My anxiety was a little spiked more than usual. I was prescribed 12 days ago and only took it maybe.. 5 days to a week ago. I only took it once. Since then I have had a severe increase in anger and irritability, although I haven’t taken it daily. I have never been so angry and mad for no reason. I’m concerned it could have these effects on me since my body is so sensitive to medication. I’m not entirely sure since I have only taken it once before. I took it again tonight to see if it could try to control my sudden anger spells. I am on a mood stabilizer and have been stabilized on it for a while now, so I am concerned about why sudden anger is a problem NOW. I don’t see my doctor for another week. Thank you!