in the case of copd.
Best cough syrup for productive cough?
Question posted by sajilamaryemmanuel on 10 March 2013
Last updated on 14 April 2013 by breathgodo
3 Answers
the best medicine is maximum mucinex see local pharmacist the active ingredient.guaifenesin in a high dose with lots of water while taking it and active.ingredient pseudoephedrine hci for sinus which are both found in mucinex D maximum strength .Secret is to drink lot of water while taking it will loosen mucus faster and make cough alot more productive good luck!
A productive, chesty cough, in which phlegm is coughed up, should be treated with an expectorant cough mixture to help loosen the phlegm and make it easier to cough up from the airways. Expectorants contain ingredients such as guaifenesin, ipecachuana or ammonium citrate. Ask your pharmacist for more advice.
Because you are a COPD patient you are more prone to lung infections. If your cough lasts for more than a few days, or gets worse, you should see your doctor. You may require antibiotics or additional medication for your COPD.
Hello. I have COPD and find in my case, little difference in any of the name brands. Vicks formula 44 has worked in conjunction with cough drops/lozenges, to help (not on a regular basis) but again, for me, one is about the same as another. Regards pledge
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cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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