I’m taking 3 0.5mg pills a day. How do you ask your doctor to increase the dose? My preference is taking 3, 1 mg daily or at best 1mg in the morning and 0.5mg two more times a day. I have the worst panic attacks in the mornings. They literally wake me up between 4AM - 6AM. I believe the doctor started off slowly and that is fine with me. However, after 4 months my morning attacks are better but not gone. I am still having issues. The doctor quickly jumped to me withdrawing in the AM because I take the last dose at 6PM. Yet I was having the attacks in the early AM before I began taking Klonopin. So I don’t think that’s the problem. Doctors can be so skittish about benzodiazepines that it makes it difficult. I want to get to a good place where the panic feelings are more at bay. Yet it’s never good when the patient asks for a change up. So what is the best way to address the issue?