He started taking for ADHD a few weeks ago, and while it's helping his focus and his anxiety and depression a great deal, he has very little motivation and sleeps long into the morning and falls asleep early. I believe his dose may be too low? Or maybe he needs it broken up over the day?
Why does Adderall make my husband so tired?
Question posted by Niphrandielle on 29 Jan 2016
Last updated on 27 June 2019 by SearchingForRelief
3 Answers
When I first began trying different medications, I was struggling to stay awake within an hour of taking them. I dove into research, spoke to my doctor, and finally spoke to an Herbologist (spell check that one!). Most people looked at me as if I were crazy, but then-I found help/explanations in the last place most would think; my OB/GYN made it so clear! After my daughter was born, I struggled to really get moving, my anxiety overwhelmed me, and I started to feel sort of lost. He gave me a low dose of Phentermine (very temporarily) and laughed at me when I reported focus, and deep sleep at night instead of restless tossing and turning. I was so relaxed. My husband would always say that somedays, being married to me was like chasing a wild rabbit around the yard, and attempting to put it in a cage. The Phentermine slowed me WAY down! My OB/GYN then took me off of the Phentermine and placed me on Wellbutrin.
Time went on, my script ran out, life caught up with me, and I didn’t pursue much else. Then, after my second daughter was born, I decided I would try OTC diet pills to help. I thought I was dealing with a serious malfunction of my body; within an hour of taking the diet pills, I would fall asleep and sleep SO hard! Who does that?? A person with legit, VERY legit ADHD according to my OB/GYN. Where most people take a stimulant and become energized, a person with TRUE ADHD can take a stimulant and relax/calm down/feel sleepy. I went right back to calling my therapist I was using for my ADHD, and begged her to lower my dosage. I’m blessed, because my doctor/therapist is extremely open to listening to me, very patient with me on trying different medications, and actually listened to my thought process I had gathered after speaking to my OB/GYN. She ordered blood work, an EKG and a physical just to make sure I was physically ok to continue testing out different attempts. Yes-at first, nurses etc., would act like I was just trying to get my hands on the pills and was saying I was sleepy in order to get a higher dose. Thank goodness my therapist didn’t jump to that conclusion. As of now, we are on 10mg XR of Adderall, and I’m doing so much better. Recently, (because I don’t want to remain on medication permanently) I have been really, really digging into ADHD, and it’s like the missing piece to the puzzle. My OB/GYN later explained that he has a friend of his who is a psychiatrist, and he is very well versed when it comes to people trying to fake in order to get this medication. He always orders blood work and a full work up first, then will place patients on a moderate dose of ADHD Meds. They come back and report after one month of useage. 9 times out of 10, a TRUE ADHD person will tell him it’s making them tired. So, believe it or not-my heart racing but me falling asleep wasn’t weird-it was NORMAL! My physical body was having normal reactions to being placed on a stimulant, but my mind was having the “normal” ADHD reaction to it. It was slowing me down to the point of falling asleep. Most people beg for their dose to be upped, which in my opinion now, shouldn’t make a TRUE ADHD person have more energy. It would slow them down even more.
It could be the result of a lot of things, from what I know here are a few. The dose could actually be overwhelming your husband making his body shut down from too much of the medication taken at once. When your husband is awake is he very active? It could be because IR Adderall only lasts for 4 hours and once it wears off it totally wears off so it would be a very well needed sleep too. Also, Adderall is only one certain kind of CNS stimulate among numerous others. From my own personal experience, Ritalin made me sleep more, Vyvanse was the opposite of a stimulate, and focalin I used to take at night before sleep. Different drugs cause different experiences for everyone. It seems obvious to me though that Adderall is not the medicine for your husband.
It's not listed as one of the known side effects. My recommendation would be to take a complete medication list (including vitamins and other non prescription supplements) and take them to the prescribing doctor. (a blood test checking liver function, electrolytes and a full blood exam could well be diagnostic)
Central nervous system stimulants should never cause sleepiness, so please see the doctor sooner rather than later.
Related topics
adderall, depression, anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), sleep disorders, sleep, sleep disorder
Further information
- Adderall uses and safety info
- Adderall prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Adderall (detailed)
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