I ended up having sex last night but the condom broke. I went and got Take Action almost right after. I’m definitely not in a position to have a kid and nor do I want one. I’m just a little nervous and stressed out. I also don’t quite remember when I got my period. I know I should but forgot when. I have been pretty stressed out as of late though.
I took Take Action immediately after. Will I be OK?
Question posted by Mma101 on 4 July 2021
Last updated on 4 July 2021
As you don't know where you are in your menstrual cycle, it's impossible to guess if pregnancy is possible or likely.
Ella (Ulipristal Acetate) is the only emergency contraceptive pill proven can prevent pregnancy during the 24 hours around ovulation, itself (see the Ella website), but even that pill isn't guaranteed to work. Plan B might help at that time, but it's not been proven it can help, then.
You can also have a Paragard IUD fitted by a doctor within 5 days/120 hours of sex, to act as emergency contraception & prevent the pregnancy implanting. It can also remain there as longer-term contraception. IUDs can sometimes be painful for women who've not had a baby, though.
There are ways to prevent condoms breaking. It's worth researching to prevent future breakages. Things like always nipping shut a couple of cms at the tip, as you roll it onto the penis, making sure no air gets trapped in it. This leaves an air-free pouch for him to ejaculate into, without the condom bursting.
Sorry, you bought Take Action, & I referred to Plan B. They are the same drug ingredients - Levonorgestrel.
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