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Xolair for Asthma, Maintenance User Reviews

Xolair has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 69 reviews for the treatment of Asthma, Maintenance. 68% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Xolair rating summary

7.4 average rating out of 10

69 ratings from 78 user reviews.

Compare all 69 medications used in the treatment of Asthma, Maintenance.


Reviews for Xolair

  • Anon
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 24, 2013

"Xolair is life-changing. I was diagnosed with severe allergic asthma 35 years ago. While I still take regular maintenance medicines in addition to a steroid inhaler, Xolair has allowed me to give up my nebulizer and has turned off the allergic rhinitis faucet in my head. At the time of my last injection, I was wheezing slightly (residual symptoms from a three-week battle with bronchitis). Within 15 minutes of the injection, the wheezing had stopped and I was breathing easier. I've taken Xolair since 2005 without any adverse reaction. My symptoms are better controlled with Xolair than at any time in my life. Truly a miracle."

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135 Report
  • Vickie...
  • August 9, 2016

"I had tried everything. I had been on steroids 15 times in one year. I had been taken from work twice by ambulance from asthma attacks. Hospitalized from asthma attacks. Nothing was working. I couldn't do anything. I could hardly be outside at all. I couldn't go to my grandson's baseball games or anything. Depression was getting worse all the time. Since I started on Xolair, I have not been on steroids, no trips to the hospital, and I went to every single baseball game of my grandson (even double headers). This has been life-changing. I would love to tell everyone!!!"

10 / 10
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80 Report
  • CamiG...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 29, 2017

"I have severe allergic asthma. After two hospitalizations for pneumonia, asthma attacks, anaphylaxis, chronic sinus infections following a childhood of allergy shots, as a young adult I needed constant medication to battle endless infections and hives. With allergy meds (I've tried them all), steroids and typical asthma meds, I had still become dependent on a nebulizer every 4 hours. After years of struggle, I was actually getting worse working downtown Houston. Xolair changed my life! I went from a sickly, declining 28-year-old to a normal person, requiring nothing else but Benadryl during the spring. I have been taking it for 12 years, including a healthy pregnancy after the first year."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Heidi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 22, 2013

"This is only my first shot. I was very symptomatic the morning of the shot - phlegm, restricted breathing, swelling of appendages, face, neck & throat, redness, burning (had idiopathic anaphylaxis/asthma). Twenty minutes after the shot I suddenly felt an unusual open feeling in my sinuses, and my phlegm was gone. I could take an unrestricted breath for the first time in years. I noticed my sore throat, the burning, much of my swelling, and redness was gone. My eyes were wide and white and I guess weren't swollen because I could focus. I left feeling elated. But driving I began to feel fatigued coupled with bursts of energy, some dizziness and strange mental activity. I didn't feel safe driving and canceled work."

10 / 10
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89 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 24, 2015

"It works! I used to pray for something to help me - Xolair answered my prayers! I started in March 2015 and the 1st shot, my nose cleared. Since then, each shot was a journey. I was on Prednisone too often, and April, August, September usually meant using the nebulizer, Prednisone, and hoping I wouldn't go to the hospital. Walking from the family room to the kitchen was challenging, walking my dog - no way! I now am taking my dog out 4X a day. Also, I want to do more things. My allergist never told me about Xolair, I found out on the Internet! Please try it as it is life-changing! Good luck!"

10 / 10
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73 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Candyjo
  • April 3, 2016

"February 2013 I woke up 6 days later in ICU and the nurse pulling a long tube out of my mouth (intubated). I lost 6 days of my life due to respiratory failure from an acute asthma attack. So here I am 3 years later have been on Xolair which has changed my world completely. I have not used my nebulizer machine and occasionally use my inhaler but I travel weekly for work. I am a 57-year-old female and love animals and the outdoors. As far as side effects, there are muscle pains but I would rather know that I can breathe and not be on steroids and other maintenance meds. My husband's peace of mind, he makes sure that I do not miss injections. Make sure you check out all financial options for Xolair assistance."

10 / 10
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70 Report
  • BigBi...
  • January 8, 2013

"In May 2006, my breathing had gradually declined to 47% of normal over a period of two years for the FEV1 test. Nothing my allergist was able to do would turn things around for me. He suggested we try this pretty new medicine. My improvement did not occur immediately, but every month as we measured my lung function, it improved by 2 to 5 percent. By the end of that summer, I was feeling much, much better, and by the end of a year, I was up to 77% of normal. Xolair has changed my life, and I am able to walk, camp outdoors, play golf, and continue many activities and hobbies I had dropped. I even sleep through the night without waking and gasping for air. I use the rescue inhaler much less. The improvement has lasted. I take 375 mg every 2 weeks."

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More FAQ

  • Tweeks
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 9, 2013

"I have been taking Xolair injections for about a year now. My family doctor suggested that we try it because for the past 12 years I had such bad reactions to dust, mold, and any animals. After years of the typical allergy shots at the doctor's office, and having reactions from them - face swelling, throat shutting off, using the EpiPen - it was a weekly thing. Going to the grocery store and praying that the person in line did not have a cat at home, yikes! Well, Xolair is AMAZING! My family doctor 'diagnosed me with asthma' so I could get this medication. Though I only have asthma from the allergies, this medicine REALLY WORKS! Thank you for giving my life back! I can go all month now without an EpiPen injection!"

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Max
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 20, 2019

"My mother was very excited to try Xolair. It seemed to help many people with asthma. Unfortunately, after her second shot, she experienced three of the common side effects: anxiety, severe joint pain, and a heart attack. She has been hospitalized for four days now, and today the doctor came in to talk about end-of-life care. Buyer beware."

1 / 10
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39 Report
  • Ben
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 11, 2017

"I am glad to see that so many people had a positive experience with Xolair on this review page. I hope these reviews are real. I was fine on Xolair for about a year, although I will say I did not notice too much difference. In fairness, my asthma was relatively under control at the time with a daily steroid (Symbicort). One day after a shot, I experienced what can only be described as the most ridiculous sounding symptom on the Xolair box: feelings of impending doom. This was 3 years ago, and I have suffered from severe anxiety ever since. My life, including my marriage, has been drastically affected by Xolair. PLEASE use caution before taking this and, more importantly, before letting your children take it."

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45 Report
  • Rebecca...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 5, 2016

"I have been taking Xolair for 5 years now. It is an amazing medicine. I only have one fully developed lung, so I had asthma pretty bad. I am also allergic to elm trees, so I would get hives and itching a lot when I was outside. No more trips to the ER anymore, and I can go outside and not have to wear jackets in summer due to the trees giving me hives. I have had no side effects so far. All I know is this drug works for me. It has changed my life."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • lizzy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 1, 2018

"I started Xolair and had wonderful results for about 4 months, and then I began to experience a lot of hair loss. When I complained to my doctor, they denied that it was the Xolair, but it is a known side effect. Then I began to have extreme joint discomfort, and it got worse after each shot. Finally, I had a positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA) test, and I have never had anything like that!! I have been off the Xolair for 2 months without much relief of my joints, although my hair loss has slowed down. I was told it will take time for it to all get out of my system. I don't want to say it's a terrible drug because not everyone has these side effects. But I hope that anyone who is wondering if the cause of their issues could be Xolair, it probably is!"

5 / 10
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35 Report
  • Robh
  • March 16, 2016

"This is my second time I have been on this medication. I was on it about 5 years ago for severe asthma and had to stop because of cost and insurance not covering it. I went from a 42% lung capacity to 65% in just about 6 months. I felt great, and over about 3 years I started to decline again. I started back thanks to better insurance and the co-pay assistance and feel a lot better. My lung capacity still is not great, but I have gone from using my rescue inhaler several times a day to using it only about once every few weeks. So far, I have been lucky enough to not have any side effects. I highly recommend it, but be sure you get the co-pay assistance in place before starting it."

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  • KelseyB
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 20, 2015

"I have been taking this medication on and off for the last 6 years. The only reason I didn't take it the whole time was because I was pregnant twice and insurance issues the other time. When I'm not on this medication, I can't even so much as look at a cat or dog. I have not had to take oral steroids monthly like I used to, only now maybe once a year when I get a cold or flu. I was so restricted in what I could do before I took Xolair, now I can go to the gym or play with the kids just fine. I would recommend it to anyone who has asthma and is allergic to an animal."

9 / 10
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46 Report
  • susan...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 11, 2013

"I have had far fewer asthma attacks and allergies since being on Xolair injections every 2 weeks and have become a lot less dependent on my rescue inhaler. I've been on this medicine for at least 4 years and have had no adverse effects and I highly recommend it... it has changed my life."

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55 Report
  • michlle...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 13, 2012

"This medicine is a miracle, it has changed my life completely. Before Xolair, I was being admitted to hospital via ambulance every 6-7 days, with ICU admissions. Without this medicine, I would not be alive today, as there was nothing else that would help. I have tried everything going, every attack via ambulance, they were injecting me with adrenaline until they got me to the hospital."

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55 Report
  • Jim...
  • February 16, 2016

"I've been taking this injection monthly for 9 years and have been extremely happy with the way it's improved my quality of life. I use my rescue inhaler less, and I need prednisone courses very infrequently. Although I try hard to be regimented about getting my shot, I forget to schedule the appointment and/or the delivery to my doctor's office. My body can tell when it's ready for the next one. I feel badly for the person who's posted with such hostility on here about it not working for him/her. It's a godsend for me and many other severe asthmatics."

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43 Report
  • Rich
  • May 3, 2015

"What a waste of time and money! Are the contributors on this site really patients and not Genentech plants? No help with asthma, phlegm after 5 shots at $3000 each, big pharma just printing money with these drugs."

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46 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 28, 2012

"I have been on this medicine for 7 months, and it has absolutely changed my life. The severity of my asthma was so bad that it would land me in the hospital at least once every two months. And I mean admitted for like a week, not just ER visits. I take 300 mg 4 times a month. The results are phenomenal. I am able to do things and participate in physical activities that I haven't been able to do in years. I have zero side effects, and although it is a pain to have to go to the infusion center at the hospital once a week, it is beyond worth it. If the possible benefits outweigh the possible risks, I would definitely recommend Xolair."

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54 Report
  • Mike...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 12, 2012

"I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2. For years, I was a very sick, steroid-dependent child. At the age of 11, I was admitted to the number 1 asthma and immunology hospital in the world, as an inpatient for just over a year. I did gain a little more control over my asthma but missed many, many days of school. In my early 20s, I became disabled due to my asthma. For years, I would do the emergency room thing, be admitted to the local hospital into ICU for a week or so at a time, several times each year. I've been intubated several times due to respiratory failure. I've only been to the ER twice since being on Xolair. All of my other medicines have been discontinued. Thank you."

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54 Report
  • DaniB
  • August 16, 2019

"I have been on Xolair for 4 years now. I am currently 38yo. Prior to starting injections, I was in the hospital 6-8 times a year for pneumonia, low O2 levels, pleurisy you know - the usual asthma nonsense. I had been taking prednisone (the only thing that semi-worked) and was at the point of 120mg of that to breathe and be able to function. I ended up with Cushings Disease from the steroids. This was the most miserable time of my life. Xolair took about 8 months of injections to work. I continue to go monthly for 2 injections and I can honestly say that this has been life-saving. I can play all the sports I used to, run a 5k again, chase my kids around, and haven’t even had so much as a cold in 3 years. That’s saying a lot - I’m a kindergarten teacher! Miracle drug!"

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25 Report
  • lybou
  • November 14, 2011

"This is my 1st shot, but I noticed a marked improvement. From 20 attacks a day down to 6. Was scared to try this medicine because I'm allergic to a lot of medicines, food, etc. After the shot, I experienced itching at the injection site, sleepiness that lasted for 4 hrs. After that, I felt energetic and a lessening in all-over body pain. That night, I slept through without any asthma attack, it appears to also be suppressing my Lupus. It is so great not to constantly have pain and an inhaler in my mouth and be able to walk more than 3 ft and stop for breath. Can't wait for my 2nd shot, I almost feel back to normal. Thank you for creating this medicine, just wish it was cheaper."

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50 Report
  • Jcoop
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 7, 2016

"I've been in this injection since August 2014. It really has improved my quality of life. Before it, I was in and out of the doctor's office or ER every week. But now I rarely need to go because of this medication. I have tried so many different medicines, and this is the only one that worked for me. It's scary when you see your lung function decreasing over time, but Xolair has given me hope. I get the shot every 2 weeks. Sometimes the side effects suck: muscle weakness and extreme fatigue, but it's better than not breathing."

9 / 10
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35 Report
  • Lendy...
  • March 21, 2017

"I was diagnosed with asthma and allergies 15 years ago. I am now 65. In the beginning, before Xolair injections, my asthma would act up, and I would cough for weeks until I had such a sore throat, broken blood vessels around my eyes, and was just miserable. Around 7 years ago, my doctor recommended I start Xolair injections every 2 weeks. What a difference, like night and day. I don't have any side effects either. I seldom have asthma flare-ups and very little allergy problems. I still use an inhaler morning and night and carry a rescue inhaler with me, which I seldom use. What a lifesaver Xolair injections have been. I have my life back."

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31 Report
  • Wendy...
  • July 14, 2017

"I can't really rate the drug itself, since I've never taken it. I don't even meet the criteria to be on it, that of the maker or of my insurance. But, the pulmonologist was pushing me to get on it. He called me on the phone, but only told me the name, and that the insurance would cover it. I looked it up, I've only been in the hospital once for asthma, for 2 days, in my life (at 60), no ER trips for it for years, not on ICS because I can't use them due to severe side effects in me. I told him he must be thinking of another patient. Then he tried using the result of the IgE test, and fact I have pets, which I don't even react to. He exaggerated everything about my history. Some sort of Kickback is all I can figure, here. "

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.