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Metformin for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome User Reviews

Brand names: Glumetza

Metformin has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 236 reviews for the off-label treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.

Metformin rating summary

7.7 average rating out of 10

236 ratings from 274 user reviews.

Compare all 26 medications used in the treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.


Reviews for Metformin

  • Mason
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2014

"My story is similar to those who have posted. I gained A LOT of weight and had unwanted hair growth due to polycystic ovarian syndrome. I've been on metformin for almost 3 weeks and have lost 13 lbs. The day I started metformin, I also started a low-carb diet. Prior to metformin, I couldn't control my craving for salty, carb-filled food. For the past two and a half weeks, I have been able to finally control the cravings. My energy levels have increased by 50%. I also waxed the unwanted hair the day I started, and already I have noticed that less is growing back in. I wish I started metformin two years ago because I literally feel like PCOS has taken two years of my life away from me! I hope it works for others as well as it has worked for me."

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551 Report
  • Sid
  • January 21, 2020

"Guys, don’t give up. I took Metformin 4 and a half years ago for my PCOS as I was trying to conceive. I did one round of Clomid and fell pregnant but had an ectopic pregnancy and had my right side tube removed. Then a year later we went for an IVF round and that was unsuccessful. I gave myself some time to recover from the heartache. My doctor recommended me to take Metformin to regulate my period. I started with 3 tablets a day, 1500mg. I experienced nausea for the first 2-3 weeks. I did lose a few pounds but was never overweight (BMI 24). I started taking the tablets in January and my period started to regulate after two months. My husband and I had an appointment for a second round of IVF on June 15, and I decided to do a pregnancy test in June 2015 as I was feeling very tired. To my surprise, it came out positive. I took Metformin for 5 months to give me a miracle baby after one test tube baby. My baby was born on time and healthy. He is turning 4 years old next month."

10 / 10
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283 Report
  • Momtobe
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 30, 2019

"Metformin definitely works. My husband and I had been trying for almost a year before seeking help from a doctor. I found out that I have PCOS. My OB-GYN immediately put me on Metformin 500mg for the first two weeks and then increased it to 1000mg in the third week. I started on 6/28 and by 7/28 (a date I will never forget), I got a positive pregnancy test. That means I got pregnant after 2 weeks of using Metformin along with eating healthy and working out for 40 minutes per day. Ladies, don't ever give up, keep your hope up, and remember the power of prayers. 'Just ask, and you will receive. Just knock, and the door will be opened.'"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Eliza...
  • March 3, 2015

"I'd like to share a very positive experience with Metformin. I was diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome after very irregular periods and anovulatory cycles. I already worked out regularly and was a healthy weight. My husband and I tried for a very long time to conceive and were starting to lose hope. My doctor prescribed 1500mg per day. I experienced mild stomach discomfort and no other side effects. The first month, my cycle length was cut in half, and the second month, I got pregnant! I never thought the day would come that I would see a positive pregnancy test. I continued the Metformin through my first trimester, and we now have a perfect baby boy. Keep your head up and give it a try...I am so thankful that I did!"

10 / 10
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357 Report
  • Jo-ela
  • October 28, 2014

"This medication has changed my life! I only regret that I did not take it sooner (like in my 20s). After suffering through years of acne and struggling to get pregnant when I wanted (frustrating business when you're not ovulating at all) and people constantly asking if I was pregnant (due to my big fat tummy that I could never get rid of), I finally found Metformin. Now, not only has my skin cleared up, my weight also came off, and I was able to have my beautiful 4th child easily because my periods have become bang on regular. I am so blessed to have had four children with polycystic ovarian syndrome, but it was a long road trying for most of them. This medicine has changed my life in that it has given me ME back - the confident me I am supposed to be."

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 27, 2020

"When I was 28, I took Metformin. Within a month, I got pregnant. I have PCOS. I couldn't figure out why all these years I couldn't get pregnant, so the doctor did blood work. And it was my insulin because I have PCOS. And now I am 30. I just started back taking the Metformin again because I'm trying to have another baby. And I'm taking prenatal vitamins. Good luck on trying to get pregnant. Sending baby dust y'all's way. And mine."

10 / 10
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153 Report
  • MIRIE...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 13, 2017

"I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14, and I was always on birth control until this year. Now I am 27. I went in to my OB/GYN and asked to get on metformin to regulate. I was prescribed 500mg four times a day. Sure enough, my periods came like clockwork, and I was late this month. I took a test and got the BFP (A big fat positive pregnancy test). After taking it for 6 months, I finally conceived. I did not know this was a miracle pill. I tried for so many years, and now my prayers were answered. Don't give up, ladies. There is hope. I am passing on baby dust to all of you... :)"

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More FAQ

  • DaniC...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 22, 2017

"I've been taking metformin for about 3 weeks. I lost over 20 lbs so far. My starting weight was 240 lbs and my current weight is 217 lbs. I'm 24 years old and I'm about 5'2''. I had no bad side effects on metformin."

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154 Report
  • Pearls
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 30, 2019

"Started taking Metformin 2 weeks ago, 1500mg daily to treat PCOS. Periods have improved significantly. Leg and back pain has completely disappeared, and I have lost 10kg since starting Metformin. I didn't even manage to lose 1kg in 3 months while on a low-calorie diet, so that's great. My mood is much better, and my facial hair and acne seem to have also disappeared. I feel like a completely different person on this medication."

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106 Report
  • Amazi...
  • December 2, 2015

"I found out I had PCOS in 2013 after trying to get pregnant for 3 years! I had started to gain weight slowly over the course of a year, about 25 lbs. My doctor started metformin in August of 2014 and by September, I dropped 10 lbs, and by December a total of 28 lbs. I'm 5'2" and that brought me back to about 128 lbs, a healthy weight! I found out in February of 2015 I was pregnant!!! I had a healthy baby boy in October 2015, and I believe it was metformin!!!"

10 / 10
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153 Report
  • Mommy...
  • March 11, 2016

"My husband and I were trying to have a child for seven years, and we had no success. I was diagnosed with PCOS, and I was put on Metformin. Four months later, I was pregnant. It was such a wonder for us, as I had two cycles of Clomid (unsuccessfully). I hope this will help someone else because infertility can be heartbreaking."

10 / 10
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143 Report
  • Sila
  • February 4, 2017

"This is my first time writing a review. I'm doing this today to share my experience with you, beautiful ladies, who are having difficulties conceiving due to PCOS. I'm 31. My period has been irregular since I was 14. Sometimes I don't menstruate for a whole year. I was misdiagnosed at first, and in 2015, I had a proper diagnosis which happened to be PCOS. My husband and I got married in 2014, and since then, we started trying to conceive with no luck for one year. My OBGYN put me on metformin 500mg daily. I took it for three months, my period never came, and I talked to my endocrinologist. She increased my dose gradually to 2500mg max. Two weeks later, my period came, and the following month, I got pregnant with my daughter! She's 8 months and 2 weeks."

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131 Report
  • Toria...
  • January 15, 2013

"I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome 2 years ago. Unfortunately, it took several doctors and a 150-pound weight gain for someone to realize what was going on. During the 2 years since I was diagnosed, my doctor has had me try everything, and nothing has helped. Finally, she decided to give me metformin. I've been on it for 10 days now. I'm currently only up to 1000 mg, but I've already lost 5 pounds. I've hardly had any side effects. Also, my facial hair growth has slowed, and I'm breaking out less."

9 / 10
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178 Report
  • SweetL
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 26, 2019

"I started metformin when I had tried to conceive with no luck. I had extremely irregular periods (9 months with no period, bleeding for months when I did get it) and within 3 months on metformin, my cycle was perfect, and I conceived on month 4. I stayed on it through my pregnancy and only gained 6 lbs (I am very overweight). I had stomach side effects but I am so glad I stuck through them. They went away completely."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Lisa
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 14, 2019

"I am all for Metformin for PCOS! Even with the side effects. I had awful acne, was quite overweight and was trying to get pregnant for almost 2 years. I started Metformin and 1) acne disappeared 2) got pregnant 2 months after starting 3) lost quite a bit of weight."

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83 Report
  • Sum
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2014

"Since my last child 5 years ago, my body has been all out of whack, piling on the weight, late periods or none at all for months on end. No matter how much I dieted and exercised, the weight would not come off. My doctor diagnosed me with depression at first and took blood to find out I had polycystic ovarian syndrome. I have been prescribed two 500mg doses a day of metformin, and at first, had quite a bad stomach upset for approximately the first 3 weeks. I am now rolling into my 5th week and feel great. The weight's slowly coming off, and the side effects are nonexistent now. Hoping to conceive a child soon if things go to plan."

8 / 10
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  • Sasha
  • December 21, 2014

"I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome at the age of 14. Now I am 28 years old. In 2012, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and I've gained 30 lbs., which is hard to lose. So many years had passed before I started using metformin, both the regular and extended version. My last period was back in May 2014. Today, December 2014, I started my first period, and I am so excited about it. Moving forward, my next step is to conceive, become free of diabetes, and be free of facial hair. For years, my facial hair has caused low self-esteem and affected my confidence. A few times, people on the radio make fun of women with beards, and it's not easy to hear jokes about health complications that I did not ask for. However, I feel like a complete woman today, and I plan to keep updated."

7 / 10
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131 Report
  • burbuja
  • November 6, 2009

Glucophage (metformin) "My experience with metformin has been awesome. I have been using this medicine for about a year now and have had great results. I now have regular periods, which is great because I used to get it every 15 days or miss months here and there. Another fantastic thing is that I can now function when I am menstruating, which used to be impossible for me due to the horrible pain. I now have manageable pain and don't have to get shots for it. I've also been able to lose 77 lbs that I had gained. Overall, I've had a wonderful experience with this medication. I believe that taking my doctor's advice was the best thing I ever did. I think the combination of the medicine, changed eating habits, and exercise all helped."

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171 Report
  • DesiK...
  • August 31, 2015

"I was way overweight. I hated the way I looked and the way I felt. Then I had a small stroke, and I found out that I also had type 2 diabetes. A few months later, I had two heart attacks. My doctor put me on metformin to help with my sugar, but I started losing weight slowly. I also started working out a little at a time. Now, to date, I have lost 92 pounds within a year. Metformin may not work as well for you if you don't work out and go for walks, but if you watch what you eat and how much, slowly reduce the amount of food you eat, go for walks, and work out, metformin will help. The first few weeks can be hard as your body adjusts to it, but that will pass. I feel great - I got my health back. Thank you, metformin, for the help!"

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118 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 25, 2012

"I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 weeks ago. My OB put me on Metformin. When I first started taking it, the nausea was bothersome, but a couple of days in, it was gone. I have been taking this for 10 days now and have lost 7 lbs! I am now taking 1000mg a day and have no negative side effects."

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144 Report
  • Jaycee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 2, 2019

"I was prescribed metformin twice. The first time was for pre-diabetes and also to help lose weight. I didn't follow through with it because of the smell of your urine the medicine makes you have (maybe it's just me). Anyway, the second time, I was older and diagnosed with PCOS because I had been TTC (trying to conceive) for years. My doctor advised me to lose weight to better my chances. It was a rough start with the loose stools and nausea, but once your body gets used to it, you will see! In 2 months, I lost 20 pounds. I thought my scale was broken, but I noticed that clothes I was about to give to Goodwill started to fit! Anyway, whatever your reason, hang in there. It definitely works wonders for your health. I'll let you decide."

9 / 10
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72 Report
  • Angobe
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 12, 2016

"I would not credit metformin as the only reason I have done so well with the PCOS weight gain, but I believe it's been a HUGE help. I was a very active female, ex-military who was always within my BMI. I went from 138 lbs to 350 lbs in 8 years before the PCOS was even diagnosed. 7 months on metformin, with a healthy diet and moderate exercise, and I'm 140 lbs down. For me, it worked. I went through 2 or 3 brands until I got to one that didn't make me sick. But I'm grateful I stuck it out. PCOS is a nightmare, the hair growth alone makes you feel less feminine, let alone the massive weight fluctuations. I wish everybody luck and obviously listen to your body and research everything the doctor recommends. Good luck and god bless!"

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98 Report
  • Anna
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 5, 2020

"I have PCOS and have been taking metformin, 2 tabs of 850 mg for 2 months now. I feel like it was working at first since I did get my period 6 days after taking my first pill. My doctor had me take 1 pill for the first week and then 2 pills the second week and so on. I missed my period, and I am not pregnant? Has this happened to anyone else? Did metformin only give you a period the first month?"

6 / 10
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58 Report
  • Julz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 12, 2019

"Take with food if you have diarrhea! At first, this medication gave me such terrible diarrhea and other stomach pains, but then my nurse practitioner told me to try it with a meal, and oh my God, it's like I don't feel sick anymore! Also, try to take it with your biggest meal! I've been on it for about 2 months and a half, and with a little diet and exercise, I've lost 15 lbs! I'm 5’3, started at 218, now 203!"

8 / 10
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65 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 5, 2011

"I've been on metformin for 2 weeks now and am so happy with the results that it makes me want to cry. I've lost 6 pounds, I have my energy back, and I'm just happy again. I feel like I'm back to myself after not being for the past 3 years. I would recommend it to anyone who suffers from PCOS."

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124 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

Learn more about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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