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Mesalamine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Brand names: Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Asacol, Delzicol, Canasa, Asacol HD, Rowasa, Canasa Pac Zaldyon Rowasa Sulfite Free …show all brand names

Mesalamine has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 422 reviews on 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mesalamine

  • mareyj
  • January 20, 2015

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I am 67 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's at age 50. I have taken Pentasa for 16 years. I took 4x250 mg three times daily and experienced chest pains. I cut it to 3x250 mg three times daily, and that took care of the chest pains. I am a fairly petite woman, so that could be a factor. I have had flare-ups but generally have done great. I tried cutting back myself, and each time had severe pain, vomiting, etc. I now know not to cut back. I hope to continue on Pentasa."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Gear
  • July 19, 2018

For Ulcerative Colitis, Active "Been on this for two months now, absolutely no more. It's terrible. Makes my symptoms worse. I keep being told not to stop taking it, the effects will eventually stop, they don't. Abdominal pain, in areas I've never felt before, now not just my lower left side but all the way up under ribs. Terrible swelling, nausea, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, general sick feeling, constipation, bloating, pain every time I eat. I'm stopping this now. It's not helping, and even if it did, side effects outweigh the benefit. I was better before starting this rubbish."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Natur...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 17, 2017

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was prescribed this med for mild UC. I discussed concerns with my doctor on starting a medication while nursing and without trying a natural approach to curing the symptoms first. He shared some patients had success using turmeric supplements to address inflammation of the sigmoid colon (lower intestine and bowel). After 2 weeks on the turmeric, my symptoms of urgency, cramping, and excessive frequency to 'go' subsided. After 3 weeks, I've been having normal bowel movements and no cramping. I am happy with the progress I've made on this natural remedy."

1 / 10
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42 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • KeenK...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 20, 2015

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I have fairly severe ulcerative colitis, and after 4 months of feeling horrible, tired, bloody diarrhea with the constant urge to go and fear of eating and setting it off again, I was finally diagnosed and put on Lialda - 4 pills once a day. At first, it caused horrible gas and bloating and took about a week or so to help the symptoms at all, but after a few weeks, the symptoms were completely gone and the side effects went away as my body got used to the medication. Then, about 1 month into taking it, I developed horrible cystic acne all over my face, neck, chest, even in my nostrils and ears! My doctor cut the dose in half to 2 pills once a day and within a few days, my skin started to clear and heal. I have been on the lower dose for about a month with no problems!!"

9 / 10
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48 Report
  • J Mcc...
  • June 19, 2013

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "Was diagnosed about 1 year after an emergency surgery for a mass in my colon due to a buildup of scar tissue from inflammation. After a couple of months of 500 mg 3X a day, frequency of flare-ups were greatly reduced. Only had 2 noticeable symptoms, one of weight gain and an elevated liver function test. My dosage was reduced to 2X a day, and liver function is normal, but weight gain is still an issue. Diet and stress level seem to be the most important factors in controlling flare-ups."

8 / 10
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54 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Chuck
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 12, 2019

For Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2007. I was originally put on 4.8 gm/day of mesalamine. After a year on it, my colitis was non-detectable, and I was put on 2.4 gm/daily for maintenance. I've been taking this medication for over 10 years now with no complications or side effects. I've had occasional flare-ups and simply increased the dosage back to the original 4.8 gm/daily until the symptoms cleared (usually within a week). My last colonoscopy in 2018 also showed no signs of the colitis. I've had very good results with this medication."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 3, 2010

Asacol (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "I've had ulcerative colitis now for 28 years. I took Asacol during all my three pregnancies with no side effects. I did have a major flare-up after the first delivery, though, despite the Asacol. My ulcerative colitis is now completely under control, so much so that my doctor said that my colon looks completely healthy. I take 4 tablets per day. I do forget occasionally, but it has worked miracles for me. I can also eat everything."

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • ddive
  • February 6, 2011

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I had been in remission for 20 years and then had a flare-up like never before. I refuse to take any steroid-based medicines due to the side effects and advised my doctor of that. He started me on 4 pills of Lialda a day, and within 1 week, all of my symptoms were gone. I am now taking 2 pills a day and remain symptom-free with absolutely no side effects."

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • Jerbons
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 16, 2012

Asacol (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "I have been on Asacol, two 400 mg pills three times a day. It has done wonders for me. I have no side effects at all, and it has kept my ulcerative colitis in remission with no symptoms at all. While my doctor has told me to stay on the full dosage, the bottle says that after 6 weeks one should go on maintenance of only 4 pills per day. Due to the expense of these pills, I am already down to 5 pills per day and am still doing great."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • SUZIE...
  • September 20, 2019

Asacol (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis "I have had colitis for 20 years. I was prescribed steroids but did not want to take them. I had gas, bloating, loose, watery, foul-smelling bowel movements. Up to 20 a day. I started on Asacol 800 mg. I took 6 tabs a day. Two in the morning, 2 midday, and 2 at bedtime. I saw no results and was even passing whole tablets... as I know it is common. I almost threw in the towel. At the 3-month mark, I had formed stools and minimal gas and bloating. You have to be patient. Our bowels did not get sick overnight... so you are not going to be cured overnight. 20 years of issues took about 3 months on Asacol. Now I am down to 2 x 800 mg tabs maintenance dose. 1 tab in the morning and 1 tab at night. I still have the odd loose bowel movement if I eat greasy food or drink too much coffee. But all in all... well worth it."

8 / 10
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26 Report
  • Wewil...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 27, 2018

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I am unable to purchase my pentasa 500 Mg that I have been taking affordably for over 30 years. The Affordable Health Care Act we have today is very misleading. The price went from $300.00 for 90 day to $1,556.00 for the same. Please Americans are suffering without their meds!!!!"

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30 Report
  • sick...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 8, 2017

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was on Asacol for 10 years with no flare-ups and leading a normal life. Then, 2 years ago, my insurance (BCBS) stopped covering it. My doctor changed me to Lialda, and I have had nothing short of a continuous colitis hell flare-up for 2 years straight: 20 diarrheas a day. Stomach cramps, weight loss, explosive uncontrolled BM. My doctor refused to write a letter of medical necessity to my insurance company so I could get back on Asacol. So I was on continuous steroids, which caused diabetes. Finally, to the point of starting Humira, which caused E. coli, C. diff, norovirus. Recent hospitalization, during which I was able to get back on Asacol while in the hospital. Now discharged and unable to get Asacol approved for use outside of hospitalization."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • DownW...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 14, 2019

For Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "Mesalamine did absolutely nothing for me but I’m sure it put some extra money into my doctor’s pocket. I told my sister (who is a teacher) about my colitis and the medication the doctor put me on. She told me to drink dandelion root tea because it’s a probiotic.... CLEARED IT UP COMPLETELY IN ABOUT A WEEK AND A HALF. I drank it everyday during that time. I had been bleeding for a whole year before the tea (even during the lialda)."

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26 Report
  • Hotmo...
  • January 28, 2014

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I was diagnosed in 2013 with Crohn's. Pentasa has relieved my symptoms greatly. I take 500 mg 4 times a day. I find it works better for me when I take it with food. My only side effect is night quivers. Other than this, Pentasa works wonders. It's well worth my $55 copayment each month."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Mark...
  • May 20, 2017

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I've been taking Pentasa for several years. I remember vividly having to go to the bathroom several times a day. I have to go just once a day, maybe once every other day since taking Pentasa. My dosage is two 500 mg capsules four times a day. The only side effect I have experienced is passing gas considerably."

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32 Report
  • In...
  • July 12, 2013

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I have ulcerative colitis and have been on Lialda for a few years, 4 pills per day. I am in remission. My biggest problem is urgency, and if I can conquer this problem, I would be so much better. I have no pain. I eat most foods but stay away from gassy foods such as beans. I found that when I eat popcorn, I have problems."

7 / 10
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43 Report
  • Col
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 19, 2023

Salofalk (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Proctitis "I was diagnosed recently and started on Pentasa enema (night) and Salofalk suppositories (day) but found the Pentasa made little or no difference and I found it difficult to sleep. My nurse changed to Salofalk rectal foam and tonight is my first time using it. I followed the instructions but inserted both doses but then was unable to hold it in for longer than 20 minutes. This site and the reviews have been a pleasure to read :) especially the review which included information about side effects, including jaw pain. I was thinking 'now something else is wrong with me' but didn't want to tell the GP as I wondered if it's psychosomatic, so it was a relief to read that I'm not alone. I really wrote this to say thank you to everyone for sharing their personal experiences. I have found this diagnosis to be somewhat isolating and sometimes I feel I should be embarrassed to speak about my symptoms, so thank you all and I pray for us all to be well x"

8 / 10
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8 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 17, 2011

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "What a remarkable medicine. I had battled with ulcerative colitis for quite a few years before I decided to finally go to a G.I. doctor. I am so glad I did because after my diagnosis I began Lialda, and it has been heaven-sent. I can now live a normal life, not 'fearful' of foods and how they may affect me later. I had quite a few other symptoms (cramping, moderate bleeding, etc.), and sure enough, they have all been relieved. I take 2 tablets twice a day and have had no side effects :) Or at least not any that I have noticed. I am relieved to know that my future looks brighter, because being in my younger 20s and dealing with this health issue wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Gordon...
  • November 2, 2016

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I'm a 47-year-old male and have had Crohn's now for 17 years. I've been taking one sachet of Pentasa in the morning after breakfast. I realize I'm pretty lucky as I lead a normal life, enjoying a pint or two with a curry, etc. My only issue from time to time is painful cramps from my back passage, this happens during the night and can last anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. This happens maybe once every 2 months. I have not had any surgery, so I'm very grateful for Pentasa, as it seems to keep my Crohn's at bay. I'm from Scotland and get my medication prescription free."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Fiona...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 12, 2013

Pentasa (mesalamine) for Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I take 1000 mg 2x a day along with Humira every two weeks. The combination works very well for me, and I'm healthier than I've been in years. The only significant side effect for me has been anxiety. I am told it is not a side effect, but I've been off and on Pentasa over the years, and the 3-year stretch where I was off completely, my anxiety went away entirely. It wasn't until I went back on Pentasa that I made the connection."

8 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anony...
  • June 25, 2015

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I was diagnosed with left-sided UC in May of 2015. My GI prescribed 4.8 grams (4 pills in the a.m.) of Lialda, plus 1 Canasa suppository (1 gram) at night. The suppository was for 3 weeks only. Within 2 weeks, the bleeding stopped, and I no longer saw the remnants of the colon tissue erosions when I had a bowel movement. I stopped taking the Canasa after a week and a half because I think it was leading me towards diarrhea, and I felt slight rectal pain. There was no noticeable negative effect to me stopping the Canasa dose at that point. I continued to take the regular dosage of Lialda. I had some dizziness the first week or two, but that has since abated. I also noticed acne that I haven't had in many years. No issues with hair thinning."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • Sugar
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 30, 2018

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis "Lialda put me in remission for over 12 years. I never experienced any side effects, until a few months ago when Lialda almost killed me. It gave me pancreatitis. My lipase was at 10,000, the normal is 0 to 90. I am extremely lucky."

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • sir...
  • October 18, 2011

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis, Active "I've been using Lialda on and off for about 2 years now. Used it daily when first prescribed until all ulcerative colitis symptoms went away. I mainly use it during flare-ups. My colitis began severely flaring up this past week, and since I started taking Lialda again, I notice reduction/elimination of blood in stool, less bowel movements, and more solid movements. I believe Lialda is extremely helpful, especially if taken as maintenance medication to prevent flare-ups... which is what I should start to do."

8 / 10
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46 Report
  • Lucky...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 26, 2020

Lialda (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis "I started taking Lialda in April 2015, 4 tablets a day for my ulcerative colitis. After being sick for many months and in and out of the emergency room I was ready for something that would help me get my life back. I was having diarrhea with blood multiple times a day along with abdominal pain and cramps and down to 106 pounds. Lialda started working almost instantly for me. Within a week I was no longer having any loose stools, blood, and my pain level was down 80%. I had some side effects such as headaches, chills, fatigue, and dizziness; a small price to pay for how much Lialda helped me and saved my life. I was able to slowly decrease my dose to 2 tablets a day, then 1, and now none. I gained weight and started to feel more like myself again. For me personally it was a great experience that was worth any side effects that eventually went away after my body was used to the medication. I would definitely recommend Lialda, maybe it can help you like it helped me."

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 26, 2012

Apriso (mesalamine) for Ulcerative Colitis "I would probably rate Apriso higher if it were not for some side effects. The only medicine that has actually worked to keep the blood and unreal cramps at a distance. It works. Only twice have I had symptoms since 11/01/2011, I hope it stays that way. Anyone with ulcerative colitis knows how important this is."

8 / 10
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45 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.