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Hyaluronan for Osteoarthritis User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Orthovisc, Monovisc, Hymovis

Hyaluronan has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 268 reviews for the treatment of Osteoarthritis. 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Hyaluronan

  • Playful...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 13, 2020

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "In 2016, I was in quite a bit of pain in my knees (both of them have severe osteoarthritis). I was heading towards knee surgery but got a shot of Monovisc as an alternative. Though the shot was painful, I am amazed at the relief that has lasted these last four years. I’m trying to find a doctor to administer a second shot due to the excellent experience from the first injection."

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • Barb...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 25, 2013

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I have had these shots 4 times now. They say the relief lasts about 6 months, but this last time I was able to go 11 months without a shot. I am working out every day and playing tennis again. Love it!"

10 / 10
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78 Report
  • Amber...
  • May 16, 2014

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I am 32 and have bad arthritis in my knee, basically bone on bone, the doctor says, but I'm way too young for a knee replacement. The doctor recommended the 4 Orthovisc injections every week for 4 weeks. Not going to lie, getting the shot itself was very uncomfortable. I have had 2 so far, and they have helped with pain, but it's getting the shots I don't like. They are helpful, but expect to feel discomfort during and for the few hours after the shot. My leg feels heavy until I 'walk it out.'"

8 / 10
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74 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • polom...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 31, 2019

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "Had bilateral arthroscopies in both knees due to meniscus tear and wear and tear 9 weeks ago. Very slow recovery, and to 'speed' things up, the consultant suggested gel injections. A week ago, he injected one shot in both knees - it was not very painful - but a few hours later, my knees felt like they were on fire and surrounded by a very tight bandage. My knee pain is much worse now, also experiencing backache and feel fast heartbeat. I have woken up a few times in the night with extreme pain, unable to find a comfortable position for my legs and back. I so regret having those injections - never again - and hope that at some stage things will go back to 'normal'. I wish I could turn back the clock."

1 / 10
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44 Report
  • Candy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 13, 2018

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "I have been getting knee shots for years, Monovisc for the last few. I am 70, no athlete, just want to walk for extended periods. I get Monovisc 2 times a year, a cortisone shot halfway between the Monovisc shots. Both wear off a bit before the next shot, but not so I am in a horrible way. My doctor is highly skilled, and I have minimal discomfort during injection. Knees ache a lot for 6 to 8 hours, then fine next day. Take Tylenol for the first day aches."

9 / 10
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45 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Will...
  • January 17, 2014

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I had meniscus tears in both knees almost 20 years ago. I've had knee pain ever since. I had the series of injections about two months ago, and my knees felt great for about five weeks. I don't know if it's wearing thin or what, but now I've got more pain than I ever had before the injections, and the pain is nearly 24/7. Makes me feel like there's some kind of scam involved, like they know that when it wears off, it will be worse due to getting used to less pain for a short time. I do NOT recommend it."

2 / 10
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70 Report
  • jeep...
  • May 27, 2014

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "Just had two injections, one in each knee. The first of four injections. I am not feeling any pain at the moment, but they say this is only temporary, that it will take all four injections for the best relief. I will say that I only felt a slight prick of the needle and felt no pain whatsoever. Can't wait for the other three."

9 / 10
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67 Report
  • Ellie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 27, 2019

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "I have a history of knee injuries from when I was younger, and now in my late 30s, I have the beginning stages of arthritis. It was suggested I get the Monovisc injections to help relieve pain and to prevent further damage. The actual shot did not hurt! My MD did it without any sonogram guidance and only used the cold spray to numb the skin. All I felt was a pinch and then pressure from the Monovisc being injected. A slight soreness where the injection was done, and that's it. No discomfort walking and no need to ice or rest right after. I was told it would take a few weeks to feel the effects."

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • Alano
  • June 19, 2019

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "Started the series of 3 injections in each knee last November. I am in June, 8 months later. I felt a twinge a couple of times and have started the next series. It really has helped to ease the pain in my knees. I probably could go a month or so longer, but why wait till the pain gets bad... For me personally, it has been a godsend."

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • 15yea...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 22, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I obtained relief (from swelling, hot, painful knee joints) after religiously taking glucosamine-chondroitin and calcium for six months. I kept this up with good results until pain returned in May 2016. PCP referral to an orthopedic surgeon who took x-rays of my hip and both knees and told me there was virtually no cartilage left, bone grinding against bone and bone spurs near both knees. I got a cortisone shot in the one knee, then the following week in the other, and then after two weeks or so, started the Orthovisc 'gel' shots in my right knee-once per week for four weeks. The needle going into the knee was not bad, but the pressure of the gel filling the knee was uncomfortable, but only for a few seconds. Excellent relief after the third shot with good range of motion in the knee."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Lee
  • January 20, 2020

Hymovis (hyaluronan) "I received injections in both knees. After a couple of weeks, pain was worse. Pain never eased up. Then my heart went into afib, shocked twice, and finally an ablation performed. Headaches, itchy all over, and severe joint pain in both knees. Can’t walk. Have to use a scooter. I truly believe my heart problems were due to some reaction to these injections. After eight months of having the injections, the cartridges in knee joints are completely gone. Bad product. I would not advise anyone to go through this excruciating pain."

1 / 10
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34 Report
  • Flavi...
  • December 13, 2013

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I got diagnosed with chondromalacia in both knees 7 years ago. Fast forward to the present, it's now osteoarthritis in both knees and clearly visible on x-ray. I got the Orthovisc shots for the first time this month. The shots are rather unpleasant, sure, but they are totally worth it. Your knees will be rather sore for the next 24 hours, but it's tolerable. I'm extremely pleased with the results. I had been taking Voltaren for a few years, and that only alleviated the worst of the symptoms. The stiffness from sitting long periods or waking up in the morning is almost completely gone. Stairs no longer hurt. I still have to ice my knees and experience some stiffness after workouts. Nothing will bring my old knees back, I guess."

9 / 10
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62 Report
  • Bernie...
  • January 25, 2017

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "Finally, after years of pain, inflammation, and not being able to bend my knee, my doctor suggested Orthovisc. He explained to me what it was, what it's for, what to expect, and without a doubt, I said yes! After being so miserable for so long, I figured I had nothing to lose. After the first injection, I had relief, finally! It was tender for the first day, after that, it was fine. I completed the three-week regimen, and I'm so glad I went for it! My knee feels great! I'm going for the other one starting next week. Thank you, Orthovisc, and thank you to my doctor. No pain, I can bend and walk pain-free!"

9 / 10
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47 Report
  • Monov...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 7, 2020

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "Follow-up to 2016 post. 1. 70-year-old using Monovisc 3-4 times per year since 2015. 2. My MRI and X-rays show arthritis, old meniscus issues, and bone spurs. X-ray shows improvement after losing 25 lbs. 3. Most people might need to lose weight and exercise vigorously along with Monovisc. Monovisc alone will not cure arthritic knees. 4. My knees feel GREAT, with only occasional bone spur pain, which topical painkillers, Motrin, and ice take care of."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Cindy...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 4, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I've been getting Orthovisc knee injections for over 11 years, although not last year, 2015, due to no work time off. Recently moved to Charlottesville, VA, and just had my 3rd, final injection today, 8/4/2016 (good for 6 months). Found best orthopedic yet (I have a steel rod, torn ACL, no cartilage, bone on bone, bone spurs, left leg, started in '98 with broken tibia). The PA at UVA, Nick, best yet, yes, stings, and you feel the pressure of additional fluid for the first day. Well worth it and looking forward to wakeboarding next week, and longer hours on the slopes snowboarding this upcoming ski season. Makes a huge difference, and has always. I'm 51, too young for full knee replacement, and not sure I want to go through that anyway."

10 / 10
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49 Report
  • Might...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 23, 2020

Hymovis (hyaluronan) "I have been given Hymovis injections for a year and 7 months with great success. The two injections are given one week apart. The only negative is that I do experience pain, swelling, and stiffness after the injections for a short while. It gets better every day. After about 4-5 weeks, after my last injection, I walk normally. No pain, no swelling, no stiffness for 6 months or longer. I can walk normally! I always go back to see my doctor when I feel any discomfort with my knee. I have found that if I go in to the doctor with less pain, then the pain after my injection is not as bad. Hymovis has saved me from having a much-dreaded surgery. It’s great to have a treatment that works!!"

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 23, 2013

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "Dr. gave me a numbing shot first, then followed with the injection. I've felt great relief, and I have been pain-free for a few years. I've had ACL recon, meniscus, etc., and this was the next step! I'm thankful to have the option as I don't want to just swim, I want to continue with soccer, paintball, etc. If you can afford it and/or have insurance, I highly recommend it. Ask for the numbing shot before, as my Dr. said most orthopedic Drs don't do that."

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62 Report
  • CarlS...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 7, 2017

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "It's been 5 weeks since the last shot in a series of 4 Orthovisc injections for my torn meniscus. My right knee is now super swollen, and my pain is now twice as bad as before the injections! I drug myself up to get to sleep, but I am awoken each night/morning with excruciating pain! I don't know what the heck went wrong! I'm only 47, with bone on bone, arthritis, etc. Had surgery to repair the meniscus, but it was torn again! Only 'fix' the doctors say is a total knee replacement. Trying to push it back till I'm older, but I've had problems with this knee since 2008! Can't take it anymore! Am I supposed to keep waiting for something to happen miraculously? I ice it daily, exercise, stretch, hot tub, etc. Any advice would be great!"

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46 Report
  • omaja...
  • June 10, 2009

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I had my first injection of Orthovisc on 08 June 2009. My next scheduled dates are 15 June 09 and 22nd June 09. I have had 3 series of the Supartz and I can tell a big difference in my knee. I am out of pain as of the first injection. No side effects. I am glad to be getting only 3 injections as opposed to the five of Supartz. I have osteoarthritis in both knees and the left one is the worst. The doctor wants to do knee replacement on that one, however, at age 67 in Oct 2009, my medical doctor does not want me to have the surgery yet. I am very pleased today, 10 June 09, with the results and pain-free from my first injection of Orthovisc. Perhaps this is the answer and Medicare will pay for the injections every six (6) months. So I am looking on the positive side."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • Slages
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 1, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I have now had these injections 2 times. They are a miracle. I used to be an avid runner and now bone to bone. Even with the injections, I don't run anymore but can bike and basically be without excruciating pain that I was in."

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46 Report
  • Linda...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 5, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "I got three injections, a week apart. The first two didn't hurt at all, but I got the third one from a different doctor, and it hurt. After the first injection, my knee felt swollen on the inside and stiff, it got worse with each new injection. I used to have pain pretty much only when I went on the stairs or twisted the wrong way. Now, it feels swollen in the joint and on my leg, from a few inches above the knee to a few inches below the knee. Like I am wearing a super tight bandage. The pain has increased to the point it is really painful to go up or down the stairs, and even at night, lying in bed, it's hard to find a comfortable position because it feels like someone is drilling into my knee."

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46 Report
  • Bjano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 28, 2020

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "I received the Monovisc injection on Sept 9, 2020. It is now Oct 28th, and never have I had so much pain in my 30 years. I can barely get to the bathroom on my own. This injection made my pain so much worse. I'm hanging in, praying it gets better. I am so disappointed in the results."

1 / 10
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27 Report
  • Janisj
  • April 3, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "As a 64-year-old female, I was having severe pain and stiffness in both knees due to advanced osteoarthritis. Ortho doc recommended a series of 4 weekly Orthovisc injections in both knees. For me, the shots were very painful. There was no improvement until after the 3rd week. I am now 1 week post the 4th and final shots and have greatly decreased pain. I now can exercise regularly without pain. The only difficulty I still have is walking up and down stairs. I highly recommend the Orthovisc injection treatment."

9 / 10
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48 Report
  • Eats
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 4, 2019

Monovisc (hyaluronan) "It's been three weeks since I had a very expensive Monovisc injection. And my response so far has been... no response at all. Not even a little. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. A waste of money. A waste of time. A joke!"

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • Jason...
  • January 3, 2012

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) "38-year-old male with a history of knee pain and troubles. Osgood-Schlatter disease with both knees from age 14. Have had constant aches and pains for the past three years. Aleve no help, Mobic no help. Cortisone shots helped, but I was interested in something that would help without accelerating the damage. I've been through my three shots of Orthovisc in each knee, the last one a week ago. The difference is night and day. No constant ache, no warm knees. Things are great so far."

9 / 10
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65 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.