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Fluconazole for Vaginal Yeast Infection User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Diflucan

Fluconazole has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 389 reviews for the treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fluconazole

  • Lovel...
  • June 16, 2016

"So I went to the clinic on Monday to get an STD check because I was having discharge. They diagnosed me with a yeast infection. They prescribed me the one-time pill, and I took it. Tuesday, it started itching and creamy discharge and a burning sensation (very uncomfortable). Now it's Wednesday, and it seems to have gotten no better, if anything worse, because when I went to the clinic, I wasn't having any of the symptoms I'm having now. It sucks and is very discomforting, especially when I'm at work. I called my doctor's office to see if they can give me something else and figure out what's really going on. Ugh! I just want my vagina back to normal."

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  • Not...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2016

"I never write reviews for things online because I usually feel like it's a waste of time. I got a yeast infection about a week ago (Monday 2/1/16) and finally went in to my doctor to get something to treat it on Thursday (2/4/16). My doctor gave me the one-time pill fluconazole and I went online to look at reviews. I was terrified to take the fluconazole because there were so many bad reviews! People saying that they had terrible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.... I prepared for the worst. But the worst never came! I might have had slight nausea after about 24 hours, but that's really it. Instead, it started to take effect and the itchiness began wearing off. Today, 2/8/16, I am completely free of itching. Fluconazole is great!"

10 / 10
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  • Vee
  • January 10, 2015

"I went 21 years with never havin a yeast infection and then had 3 within like 2 months. This is the only medicine I have ever been given and it worked immediately. I took 3 (extremely small pills) one day and if symptoms continued I would take 3 more in 3 or 5 days. I never needed the second dose because it always cleared up. It provides great relief."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Ej979...
  • August 2, 2017

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I suffer from yeast infections quite frequently, especially while being on my depo birth control shot and being more sexually active. In the past, diflucan did the trick in 24 hours (I learned Monistat does NOTHING for me!). As I suffer from them almost every other month, if not every month, I believe I have built a resistance to the medication. I began needing two pills prescribed at a time for an effective solution. Just a few days ago I received a pack of 3. My symptoms feel almost worst than before getting the prescription. I didn't drink much water and also had sex after taking the pill day 2, but I took the last pill yesterday and vagina is raw and swollen as well as itchy. Also feel period beginning. I hate this confusion about my body."

7 / 10
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  • JCano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 20, 2019

"Last week (5/14/2019), I started experiencing vaginal redness and itching. Luckily, I was scheduled the next day for my annual pap, and my doctor said it looked like I was starting a yeast infection. She prescribed for me 2 150 mg Fluconazole tablets. I was to take one, then another one in 3 days. I took the first one Wednesday night, and by the next morning, I felt about 80% relief of my symptoms. By Friday, I felt back to normal. I did take the second dose on Saturday as instructed. Luckily, I have not experienced any side effects from this drug. This was the 2nd time in about 6 years I've had a yeast infection, and I had also taken the same drug on my last infection with no issues at all."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Annee
  • April 22, 2014

"Have had two yeast infections in the last two months, most likely brought on by stress, a HORRIBLE diet, and lack of sleep. Both times I took a series of three Diflucan three days in a row. It helped, but took about 5 days to see any real results. My biggest issue is the rash I get 'down there' on a yeast infection. Sadly, Diflucan doesn't help that. It's day 7 and the infection is mostly cleared. Just waiting on the rash to clear up."

7 / 10
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  • Lin
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 5, 2018

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I took Diflucan for a yeast infection on a Friday around 8 PM, at about 10 PM, my lips started to tingle. I went to bed and woke up at 2 AM to find my lips severely swollen with a rash around them. Today is Monday, and my lips are burning, dry, and still swollen. I am now getting sores inside of my mouth from the Diflucan. My yeast infection has cleared up, but the pain I am feeling now is horrific. I will NEVER take this pill again."

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More FAQ

  • Emano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 2, 2019

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Warning: Do not take if you have heart problems unless your doctor knows and you specifically asked about these problems. I took it and felt okay. About two hours after taking the medication I got dizzy, weak and had chest pains that changed with breathing. After about two more hours I started to feel better. After sleeping I now only have residual chest pain when I breathe. I have an irregular heart beat and a condition that makes the muscles in between my ribs spasm and cause chest pain similar to this. My doctor knows this and everywhere I look you’re not supposed to prescribe this to someone with heart beat problems."

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  • Elle...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 6, 2015

"I have many, many medication allergies and extremely sensitive skin. With any antibiotic therapy, I always end up with a yeast infection. :( I take Diflucan 150 mg by mouth for 7 days - it's just the regimen that works for me. I've tried it on many different schedules. I also mix cold water and 7 drops of tea tree oil in a peri bottle and rinse the area several times daily. Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial, and the oil soothes the skin. Imperative the water is cold, as warm or hot will cause increased itching and irritation. Make sure you dry the area very well by blotting only or use a hair dryer on the cool setting. I always take the RX before bed to sleep through any side effects!"

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  • Anony...
  • June 14, 2015

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Took antibiotics and got a yeast infection, went to the Drs, they prescribed Monistat 3. Took it for the 3 days, still was experiencing a lot of itching and burning. Went back to the Drs, she prescribed the one-dose pill. Took it Thursday afternoon, felt nausea, had headaches, and stomach aches (side effects), but helped with the burning pain by the next day. It's now Sunday, and the itching, burning, and pain are back. Going back to the Drs tomorrow for the 3rd time in 2 and a half weeks. So want this to go away. Feeling like I need to get a second opinion."

3 / 10
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  • Sexyt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 8, 2016

"I was experiencing discharge, itching, and swelling for approximately 2 weeks and used OTC Monistat suppositories to no avail. I went to GYN for an annual physical yesterday and mentioned symptoms. She prescribed Diflucan 150 mg tablet (1), and I took it on an empty stomach. Within a couple of hours, symptoms ceased, and today I feel so much better without discharge or itching. Best thing for me!!!!"

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  • Anony...
  • March 19, 2009

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I've had recurring yeast infections, and I have to say that this works amazingly. Quick relief of symptoms, which, if anyone has a yeast infection, can agree. This is the first thought that comes to mind. I'm so thankful that my doctor prescribed this for me."

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  • Anonymous
  • September 25, 2009

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I developed pneumonia after getting swine flu. I was on heavy-duty antibiotics and was given Diflucan as a prophylactic for yeast infections. I took approximately 4 doses over the course of two weeks. I recently noticed that a toenail that had a fungus for over 40 years (!) is now growing in nice and pink! No more thick, ugly yellow nail! Amazing! No other side effects were noticed!"

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  • Anonymous
  • April 16, 2017

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I am very prone to yeast infections. Especially while on birth control, for the most part really good probiotics clear it right up but I had slight symptoms of a yeast infection for the past week and the probiotics aren't doing the trick so I had a diflucan lying around from when I was on a zpak. Decided to just take it and see if it would help. I'm having an awful reaction my vagina is 100 times itchier. Don't take it. Go out and buy a great probiotic, so much better and all natural. I'm regretting taking it. :("

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  • Lizzy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 7, 2018

Diflucan (fluconazole) "First make sure you are being diagnosed with a yeast infection via a swab just in case it is bacterial! If that is positive for yeast, your doctor will recommend dosage and frequency, sometimes you could have outer discomfort associated and may use the external yeast cream that comes in the yeast infection otc box at the same time you’re taking the pill. Use it for at least 7 days (the external cream) no matter how many days worth of diflucan. If you are getting external symptoms, may be due to too much external cream or if you are using only pill, may be due to another infection you may have. Important to have a swab done. Probiotics aren’t necessarily the best. I recommend concentrated dose of chamomile, garlic, low to no sugar, greens, and possibly tea tree, or boric acid suppository. ( make sure it is administered correctly). Too much of one probiotic could be harmful if your body already has an abundance of one. Try other remedies. Hope this helps!"

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  • Kelli...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 12, 2013

"I love this miracle medicine. No messy creams to deal with, and it works fast. I had a horrid yeast infection from having a urinary tract infection and then taking antibiotics. I always get a yeast infection from antibiotics. Well, I let this yeast infection go too long, and then I got sick to top it all off. Getting sick and having the yeast infection made it flare up a million times worse. It was bad. My doctor prescribed me two of these. I took one on day one and then the second on day two. It took three days to clear it up, but it wouldn't have taken that long if I hadn't let it get that bad. I also used a topical tea tree ointment for soothing."

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  • Anono...
  • January 22, 2017

"Over the counter (Monistat and generics) makes my symptoms 10X worse and does nothing for me. Fluconazole takes care of it every time, with ZERO side effects for me. If I take it on an empty stomach, symptoms significantly reduce within an hour. I always do a second dose three days later, even if it appears to be gone, to be extra sure. For ladies wanting to go a natural route that is also VERY effective, tea tree oil suppositories. They are just messier, and you will smell like tea tree oil a little :) but I don't mind the smell. I always keep that on hand as well. You can find those for good prices on Amazon. They are also just good to do once a week or whenever for maintenance if you suffer chronic infections."

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  • FDE
  • May 14, 2019

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I took Diflucan last year and my vaginal yeast infection cleared up in a day, no allergic reactions. I recently needed to take it again earlier this year and my upper lip became swollen with a tiny sore/blister on the underside of my lip. The right of my face was also slightly swollen and numb. The pharmacist didn’t think it was related to Diflucan because I hadn’t had a reaction before. Well, was she wrong! I had to take it again a couple of days ago and the exact allergic reaction returned (which I realise is most likely a Fixed Drug Eruption). This time, my upper lip is much worse with a sore in the same spot and it’s taking longer to disappear. Both times I’ve been taking antihistamine to help. If you experience an allergic reaction after taking Diflucan, think very carefully about taking it again."

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  • BadEx...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 19, 2019

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I have taken Diflucan for yeast infections for years. I always get the infection after having to take antibiotics for a sinus infection (at least 1x/year). I have never had any issues - until now. Twelve hours after taking the Diflucan, I developed 3 hives- two on my face and one on my thumb. I thought maybe it was from something else or stress, so I ignored it. Big mistake. Had to take a second pill this week, and the hives came back in the exact same places, only worse, and have blistered. I also now have blisters inside my mouth and one my lips. They are extremely painful and are healing, but still there after 6 days. I expect scarring. If you have an allergic reaction to this drug DO NOT take it again. It only gets worse. Now to figure out what I CAN take, as the yeast infection is still there."

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  • Emzy
  • October 31, 2013

"I've taken this product twice in the past, once as a teenager (one dose). Worked within a day or so and worked great again. The last time, I took 3 doses over a week or something. I've been prescribed again to take one dose monthly before periods. I'm feeling very anxious this time, but hoping it works great like the other times. Us ladies put up with some awkward business down below!!!"

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  • Skitt...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 14, 2016

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I have used Diflucan several times during the past few years. Usually, just one 150 mg pill does the trick, and I feel relief a few hours after I take it. I've only had a handful of times where I've had to take a second dose, and it was due to being on antibiotics. The docs know this, so when I need an antibiotic, they will also prescribe a Diflucan 'chaser.'"

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  • taste...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 9, 2020

"I was prescribed this medication after getting a yeast infection while treating a horrible UTI with antibiotics. I wanted to wait before treating it as I didn’t want to take this pill with my antibiotics and really mess up my stomach, but after two days I caved. I took this pill last night and this morning I already feel quite a bit better. The only side effect I’ve noticed, and a side effect I haven’t seen anyone mention, is an insane change in my sense of taste. I went for a sip of my coffee this morning and it tasted like I was chewing on raw grounds no matter how much I sweetened it. Then I got curious and started trying other things and they all tasted bitter and bland, tomatoes, milk, bread, etc. Other than a change in taste, I’ve had no other symptoms!"

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  • Amylo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 5, 2019

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Awful! I was so dizzy even sitting down. My body dried out.. hands, feet face. My hands cracked open. 2 days after taking my throat felt funny and the entire inside of my mouth had white stuff all over. I can't say it works because the doctor diagnosed my with yeast and it wasn't I actually had an abscess and switched to bactrim. But I know I will never touch that stuff again."

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  • Femital
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 14, 2019

"I had a severe bladder infection and a yeast infection at the same time it was so bad I couldn’t walk the burning and the pain were unbearable The doctor prescribed me antibiotic’s for the UTI and I took Monistat for the yeast infection but the swelling was so bad I couldn’t even sit Finally I called my doctor in bed for Diflucan and within one hour of taking it everything started to settle down"

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  • Jeans...
  • August 3, 2019

"I took 4 pills, 150 mg, of this horrendous medication for yeast infection and thrush I got from another horrendous antibiotic Amoxicillin (stay away from that drug) and none of them worked. That said this med almost took me to ER. every pill I took, I thought I was dying, nausea accompanied by debilitating headache, chills, fatigue, muscle pain, sweaty; then all these symptoms are relieved by explosive diarrhoea & resume when you take the next pill. Maybe this drug works for others not for me. Now I take nystatin for my thrush along with probiotics and low carb/sugar diet. Also take pau d'arco tea, oregano oil, and grapefruit seed extract, these all work better than this horrible drug. These yeast infections are horrible and need to be cleansed from the intestines if you took antibiotics because fluconazole will do nothing for it (it is for systemic infections) and after a few months it will appear with revenge. Just do a research on Candida and you will be surprised!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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