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Fluconazole for Vaginal Yeast Infection User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Diflucan

Fluconazole has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 389 reviews for the treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fluconazole

  • Laven...
  • February 13, 2017

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I get yeast infections all the time, and all I get prescribed is Diflucan. No one listens to me that this doesn't work for me. Last doctor at least tried giving me 3 Diflucan pills and to take 1 every 3 days. Still didn't work. Don't know what else to do."

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  • Kiki
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 7, 2019

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Have taken sporadically for a yeast infection. Seemed to work, but I broke out in hives. It took me a bit to figure it out because I’d take 1 pill maybe once a year. It didn’t register. Well, now I know! I took 1 pill in March, 1 pill in July, and thought, huh, I wonder if fluconazole. Took 1 pill yesterday and paid attention!!! Yep! Ugh! Hives and allergic reaction not on the list! I get hives, my knuckle swells on 1 finger, and it is painful. It blisters and finally pops and heals on its own. Each time it is worse. Now my lips are swollen, and hives on palms and on skin by thumb. My hands are so dry. NEVER AGAIN WILL I TAKE THIS fluconazole!!"

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  • Keddey
  • November 24, 2009

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I tried a cream OTC, which didn't work. So I called my doctor and he prescribed this. AMAZING medicine! Within 24 hours, my infection is gone, and I feel human again! I experienced no side effects. It's almost like a wonder pill!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • October 22, 2010

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I get repetitive yeast infections, so it took three treatments with Diflucan for three different infections before I realized that Diflucan was the thing that was causing the painful, blistering skin rash I was getting about once a month. I was having what is known as 'fixed skin ulceration.' Ulcers in my mouth, blisters on my hands and leg, always in the same exact spots each time and always very painful. No one told me there was even a chance that I was allergic to this medicine, and when I sought treatment for the second and then third episodes, the doctors completely missed it. There needs to be more information out there about this, as the company only reports one previous person ever having this same reaction, yet it happened to me."

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  • hanna...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 23, 2021

"I had the worst experience of my life taking this drug! I was prescribed this for a yeast infection and have been in and out of the hospital for past four days with excessive diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and severe fatigue! I had black diarrhea and terrible body aches. I’m only just now able to eat rice and chicken broth!! It is awful, awful, awful.. ladies.. go to walmart and get the VH suppositories or pills instead.. take / insert once weekly and it’ll be gone! no side effects with those as its all natural!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Flash
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 30, 2019

"Unfortunately, fluconazole was not a great experience for me. And still suffering from the side effects. Do not ignore chills, burning sensations, and skin irritation. I did 2 rounds of fluconazole 72 hours apart. First round, I had a hive on my upper lip for a day, and lady parts were red and irritated. Went back to the doctor, prescribed a second round, which gave a burning sensation to the anus, labia, vulva... have been on fire ever since. Could hardly sit down. 5 days of prednisone to help, now Reactine once daily. Still have burning on the back of legs and butt... it has been almost a month. Pharmacist says it’s just going to take time... ugh. Wish there was something else that would help to get this out of my system as it has been a brutal experience."

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  • Meggie
  • October 26, 2013

"This drug is a godsend for people who get chronic yeast infections. I just don't know what I would do without it, because the OTC meds do not even TOUCH my yeast infections. We are talking horrible itching and burning to the point of feeling like you want to climb the walls! Sometimes it takes more than 1 dose, but my doctor did tell me this drug was harsh on your liver, and for people like me who already have some liver issues, that is the only thing I worry about when taking it. Otherwise, I just would be in misery all the time without this drug."

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More FAQ

  • Severe...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 25, 2017

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I have taken this medication before, so not sure if something with my body chemistry changed or this medication composition has changed. My experience was a severe allergic reaction causing swelling to my face and lips, with blistering and sores inside my mouth that were extremely painful. I was given a steroid shot and high dosages of prednisone. On day 5, the swelling has just started to go down, but the sores inside my mouth and the scabs on my lips are horrible. I will not take this medication again."

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  • Georgia
  • October 13, 2018

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I had 3 back-to-back yeast infections. The first one I treated myself with a 7-day cream. The second one my doctor saw during my annual pap. I told her I thought I had one, and she said she thought I was correct. She tested me for other infections, but it was, in fact, yeast. So she prescribed Diflucan and gave me 2 pills. I took one that day and one 3 days later. I started noticing an improvement within 24 hours. Let me say that the burning and itching from the yeast infections were SO SEVERE. I even questioned my 10-year partner about his fidelity because I wondered if I had somehow contracted an STI. (Not to his face) I'm not proud of that. It wasn't long, about a month later, and I got ANOTHER yeast infection, and this one, the burning was even worse. I emailed my doctor, and she sent a prescription to the pharmacy. The Diflucan worked the same, started working in about 24 hours."

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  • Cryst...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 30, 2019

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Was prescribed this medication after BV treatment and next day lip was swollen & itching. Lip swelled to the point it was tight and shiny. Eating was unbearable. Woke up with a blister that has since popped and now I have open sore and scabs. I WILL NOT EVER TAKE THIS MEDICATION AGAIN!"

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  • Anonymous
  • January 20, 2011

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I was sick and had to take amoxicillin and unfortunately got a yeast infection. I went to the doctor, and he prescribed Diflucan yesterday. I had no side effects. Unlike everyone else, my horrible symptoms (itching, burning) are still present."

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  • Kryst...
  • February 17, 2016

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I'm pretty sensitive to medicine, in fact, I get so many side effects I have a long list of medicines I can't take. I didn't get any side effects from Diflucan, so I'm pretty impressed. I read the reviews, and the majority of the negative ones I think were misinterpreted. I don't think half of those were actually from this medicine, so it's a shame they reviewed it so poorly. I have a candida overgrowth that is causing my infections, so I have to take Diflucan once a week for 3 months, so far, no problems."

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  • Lady...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 13, 2016

"I know I have a yeast infection after only a couple of days of itching and burning. I got the medicine from my doctor and took it immediately; don't wait weeks or months to call the doctor. BTW, you can give a yeast infection to your boyfriend, so don't have sex until you are cured. Because he can give it right back to you, then you think the medicine didn't work. Use your head, ladies; if it's itching and burning and discharging, keep your legs closed and call the Dr. ASAP!"

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  • rcka
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2013

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I took 3 Diflucan for a yeast infection and used over the counter Monistat 3 day first on my own. One month later I am still experiencing burning tongue, metallic taste in my mouth, slight pains going through each breast, very tired and slight itch and burn on occasion in the vagina. I took this along with HRT and have been reading about the interaction they have together. All I have been told is that I may have overdone the treatment, had an allergic reaction, and killed too much good bacteria. Will never take this drug again."

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  • Azeris
  • March 9, 2016

"After a round of antibiotics to clear up a UTI, I developed a severe yeast infection with itching, burning, and discharge. Called the doctor, and he prescribed the generic of Diflucan. Took one dose, and symptoms cleared completely in 24 hours. Took the second dose 3 days later and now symptom-free!!!! I do not post reviews often, but I needed to give back to someone who may be suffering like I was. These reviews provide relief when things feel like they can't get any worse. And this magic pill proved that things will get better with time."

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  • lovel...
  • April 6, 2017

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I always get yeast infections. Especially after I finish a round of antibiotics for an ear infection or whatever it may be. Before, I always tried using creams, and it would take days to clear out. Sometimes it wouldn't clear, and I would have to go to the doctor and get another cream. Such a headache. I finally got a great gyno who prescribed this to me, and I thought, hmm, a pill? That's odd. Took the pill that morning, by nighttime, I was feeling much better, and the next day the discharge was way, way less. By two days, it was gone. And it stays in your system for seven days, so it helps prevent the infection from coming back. Works wonders! Thanks, Diflucan! My most recent infection, though, did require two doses of Diflucan. FYI. :)"

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  • Annie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 28, 2016

"I had a severe yeast infection. My labia were inflamed and enlarged with a hard texture. My vulva was extremely itchy, and my doctor prescribed oral fluconazole 150, 2 tablets. The first dose was enough to completely calm down the whole infection. I noticed some changes within 4 hours of taking it. The next day, there was a white debris in my vulva, which was evidence of the yeast being killed off. I still had another dose left over and noticed great changes with just one dose."

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  • Tabby...
  • May 26, 2015

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I've used this medication quite a few times in the past few years, and it definitely always works. Sometimes one is not enough, though, but the three-pill regimen always works when used as directed. The best part is that you can also drink alcohol on this, and it will still work. No bad side effects or burning so far."

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  • Surrey
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 18, 2018

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Had a mild yeast infection that showed up on the pap results but felt no symptoms. Took diflucan and within 24 hours I had raging yeast infection symptoms that have worsened over the next five days. I routinely eat a diet low in carbs and high in probiotic foods, also no simple carbs. I suspect diflucan wiped out all the healthy microbes and made room for something worse to bloom. Still not sure how this will be resolved."

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  • KitKat
  • September 14, 2016

"I take this medication regularly for chronic yeast infections. I have a bad immune system as well as a stomach disorder. I never have any noticeable side effects. The first 12 or so hours are the worst while the yeast is being killed off. The itching gets extreme, and I make sure I have nothing planned that day. Within 24 hours, the symptoms are minimal, and I feel almost normal. It's my go-to."

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  • Pearl...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 28, 2015

"My gynecologist always prescribes 2 150 mg tablets packaged together for a yeast infection. You take one immediately and then the other in 5 days. Works like a charm! I always develop a vaginal yeast infection when I take antibiotics! It's great to have this handy as a preventative!"

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  • taybaby
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 11, 2016

"Had sex Friday night, went to work and used the bathroom, and wiped with cheap tissue. When I got home, I started itching and burning. It was so bad and unbearable. Good thing I had an appointment yesterday for a BP check-up. While I was there, I told my doctor my symptoms, and she prescribed me fluconazole. I took it yesterday around 7, and today around 7, I notice it's starting to work. I'm not itching or burning, plus it's pushing all the infection out. Every time I go pee, mount and mounts of discharge are coming out, plus I have to keep a pantyliner on because it makes you leak. That 150 mg did the trick for me. All I'm drinking is water and cranberry juice to help clean me out. Every med doesn't do the same for everyone, but it's fine for me. Hopefully, I don't experience this again!!"

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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 17, 2018

"It's been about 6 hours since I took it, and it feels like my symptoms went away. However, about 45 minutes after taking it, I had the worst panic attack that I've had in a long time. Granted, I have anxiety disorder, but I haven't had a bad panic attack like that in almost a year. Just an FYI for those with anxiety or panic disorder."

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  • hones...
  • July 24, 2015

Diflucan (fluconazole) "I'm telling you this medication is powerful and it works BUT I am giving it 5 out of ten right in the middle because it also has POWERFUL side effects. There is no doubt in my mind it works well BUT If your Very Hypersensitive like me to medications this one will knock you out ***Meaning its fighting the infection and doing its job*** but it can be a very uncomfortable experience... When you have a severe internal infection and take medication like this your body goes into overdrive helping the medicine work I took only a quarter of a 150 mg tablet to let my body know whats happening and wow did just that make me so dizzy and just lay in bed like WOAH but 12 hrs later took all the rest in small increments and I'm all better and it worked!"

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  • Lovel...
  • June 16, 2016

"So I went to the clinic on Monday to get an STD check because I was having discharge. They diagnosed me with a yeast infection. They prescribed me the one-time pill, and I took it. Tuesday, it started itching and creamy discharge and a burning sensation (very uncomfortable). Now it's Wednesday, and it seems to have gotten no better, if anything worse, because when I went to the clinic, I wasn't having any of the symptoms I'm having now. It sucks and is very discomforting, especially when I'm at work. I called my doctor's office to see if they can give me something else and figure out what's really going on. Ugh! I just want my vagina back to normal."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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