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Cerebral aneurysm

This animation shows a cerebral aneurysm growing and rupturing filling the brain with blood.

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This animation shows the head receiving two impacts. One on the front, and one on the side from a boxing glove.

Athetosis resulting from basal ganglia injury

This animation illustrates the location of basal ganglia in the brain. Injury to the basal ganglia may result in athetosis (constant writhing movements of the body).

Simple squat and reach exercises with fitness ball

You can do many exercises with a fitness ball. See the simple squat and reach.


The release of an egg from a woman's ovary occurs about midway through the menstrual cycle. See how it happens.


A vibrating suction cannula, or flexible tube, is used in a liposuction procedure. The cannula is inserted through a small hole into the abdominal fat tissue to remove excess fat deposits.

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