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Sensorcaine -MPF Dosage

Generic name: Bupivacaine Hydrochloride 5mg in 1mL
Dosage form: injection, solution
Drug class: Local injectable anesthetics

Medically reviewed by Last updated on May 4, 2024.

2.1 Important Dosage and Administration Information

  • SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE is not for intrathecal use.
  • Avoid use of SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE solutions containing antimicrobial preservatives (i.e., multiple dose vials) for epidural or caudal anesthesia.
  • Discard unused portions of solution not containing preservatives, i.e., those supplied in single dose vials, following initial use.
  • Visually inspect this product for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permit. SENSORCAINE are clear, colorless solutions. Do not administer solutions which are discolored or contain particulate matter. SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE are clear, colorless to slightly yellow solutions. Do not administer solutions which are pinkish or darker than slightly yellow or contain particulate matter.
  • Mixing or the prior or intercurrent use of any other local anesthetic with SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE is not recommended because of insufficient data on the clinical use of such mixtures.

Administration Precautions

  • SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE are to be administered in carefully adjusted dosages by or under the supervision of experienced clinicians who are well versed in the diagnosis and management of dose-related toxicity and other acute emergencies which might arise from the block to be employed.
  • Use SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE only if the following are immediately available: oxygen, cardiopulmonary resuscitative equipment and drugs, and the personnel resources needed for proper management of toxic reactions and related emergencies.
  • The toxic effects of local anesthetics are additive. Monitor for neurologic and cardiovascular effects related to local anesthetic systemic toxicity when additional local anesthetics are administered with SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE.
  • Aspirate for blood or cerebrospinal fluid (where applicable) prior to injecting SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE, both the initial dose and all subsequent doses, to avoid intravascular or intrathecal injection. However, a negative aspiration for blood or cerebrospinal fluid does not ensure against an intravascular or intrathecal injection.
  • Avoid rapid injection of a large volume of SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE and use fractional (incremental) doses when feasible.
  • During major regional nerve blocks, such as those of the brachial plexus or lower extremity, the patient should have an indwelling intravenous catheter to assure adequate intravenous access. The lowest dosage of SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE that results in effective anesthesia should be used to avoid high plasma levels and serious adverse reactions.
  • Perform careful and constant monitoring of cardiovascular and respiratory (adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation) vital signs and the patient's level of consciousness after each local anesthetic injection.
  • Use SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE in carefully restricted quantities in areas of the body supplied by end arteries or having otherwise compromised blood supply such as digits, nose, external ear, or penis.

2.2 Recommended Concentrations and Dosages of SENSORCAINE/ SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE
The dosage of SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE administered varies with the anesthetic procedure, the area to be anesthetized, the vascularity of the tissues, the number of neuronal segments to be blocked, the depth of anesthesia and degree of muscle relaxation required, the duration of anesthesia desired, individual tolerance, and the physical condition of the patient. Administer the smallest dosage and concentration required to produce the desired result.

The types of block and recommended SENSORCAINE / SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE concentrations are shown in TABLE 1



The dosages in TABLE 3 are recommended as a guide for use in the average adult. These doses may be repeated once every three hours. Do not exceed a total daily dosage of 400 mg in 24 hours. The duration of anesthetic effect may be prolonged by the addition of epinephrine.


2.3 Use in Epidural Anesthesia
During the administration of epidural anesthesia, it is recommended that a test dose of SENSORCAINE-MPF WITH EPINEPHRINE without antimicrobial preservative (0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine) be administered initially and the effects monitored before the full dose is given. When using a “continuous” catheter technique, test doses should be given prior to both the initial and all supplemental doses, because a catheter in the epidural space can migrate into a blood vessel or through the dura.

During epidural administration, administer SENSORCAINE-MPF / SENSORCAINE-MPF WITH EPINEPHRINE, 0.5% (5 mg/mL) and SENSORCAINE-MPF 0.75% (7.5 mg/mL) solutions in incremental doses of 3 mL to 5 mL with sufficient time between doses to detect toxic manifestations of unintentional intravascular or intrathecal injection. Administer injections slowly, with frequent aspirations before and during the injection to avoid intravascular injection. Perform syringe aspirations before and during each supplemental injection in continuous (intermittent) catheter techniques. In obstetrics, use ONLY the 0.5% (5 mg/mL) and 0.25% (2.5 mg/mL) concentrations of SENSORCAINE-MPF / SENSORCAINE-MPF WITH EPINEPHRINE; incremental doses of 3 mL to 5 mL of the 0.5% (5 mg/mL) solution not exceeding 50 mg to 100 mg at any dosing interval are recommended. Repeat doses should be preceded by a test dose containing epinephrine if not clinically contraindicated. Use only the single dose vials for caudal or epidural anesthesia; avoid use of the multiple dose vials for these procedures, which contain a preservative.

2.4 Test Dose for Caudal and Lumbar Epidural Blocks
Three mL of SENSORCAINE-MPF WITH EPINEPHRINE without antimicrobial preservative (0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine) is recommended for use as a test dose prior to caudal and lumbar epidural blocks when clinical conditions permit. This test dose may serve as a warning of unintended intravascular or intrathecal injection. Closely monitor for early clinical signs of toxicity following each test dose. Allot adequate time for onset of spinal block to detect possible intrathecal injection. An intravascular or intrathecal injection is still possible even if results of the test dose are negative. The test dose itself may produce a systemic toxic reaction, high spinal, or cardiovascular effects from the epinephrine.

2.5 Use in Dentistry
SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE 0.5% (5 mg/mL) is recommended for infiltration and block injection in the maxillary and mandibular area when a longer duration of local anesthesia is desired, such as for procedures generally associated with significant postoperative pain. The average dose of 1.8 mL (9 mg) per injection site will usually suffice; an occasional second dose of 1.8 mL (9 mg) may be used if necessary to produce adequate anesthesia after allowing 2 to 10 minutes for block onset. Use the lowest effective dose and allow time between injections; it is recommended that the total dose for all injection sites, spread out over a single dental sitting, not exceed 90 mg for a healthy adult patient (ten 1.8 mL injections of 0.5% (5 mg/mL) SENSORCAINE WITH EPINEPHRINE). Inject slowly and with frequent aspirations.

2.6 Use in Ophthalmic Surgery
When SENSORCAINE-MPF/SENSORCAINE-MPF with EPINEPHRINE 0.75% (7.5 mg/mL) is used for retrobulbar block, complete corneal anesthesia usually precedes onset of clinically acceptable external ocular muscle akinesia. Therefore, presence of akinesia rather than anesthesia alone should determine readiness of the patient for surgery.

Further information

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.