if the person who gave me hpv is a carrier and does not show symptoms does that mean once i get it treated i can get it again from that person? Or does that perso have to be treated? Because he has absolutely no symptoms and seems to be doing fine.
Can you get HPV from the same person twice?
Question posted by Anonymous on 20 Oct 2015
Last updated on 20 October 2015 by chuck1957
ARQUESTION22; yes you can I have a paste I well put here for you to read over 100 different types of HPV and it can go as long as 2 years or more before they have any symptoms even catch it from a person by hand shaking or touching something they have touched YOU WOULD BE DOING HIM A BIG FAVOR BY TELLING HIM. not to mention you.He needs to be treated if gone untreated can turn cancerous Okay here is some info to read too. Show him.good luck Chuck1957
(((.There are more than 100 different types of HPV, each with its own favorite skin surface to invade. Some cause the small, painless, rough-surfaced warts found on the fingers and face. Others cause the larger, more painful and flatter plantar warts that grow on the soles of the feet. More than 25 different types of HPV can infect the skin covering the sex organs, cervix and opening of the anus.
Genital HPV infections are very common. Up to 80 percent of sexually active adults will get an HPV infection of the genital area at some point in their lives. In most cases, these infections do not cause symptoms. They can cause genital warts
In a small number of women, certain HPV strains cause changes in the cervix that can become cancerous if not treated. HPV is also linked to cancers of the penis, vagina, anus, vulva, and also to mouth and throat cancers. HPV subtypes 16 and 18 are the causes of most cancers. HPV types 6 and 11 cause most cases of genital warts.))))) hope this helps.cw1957
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human papilloma virus, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual intercourse, symptom, genital wart
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