My doctor reccomends that i change to this, from regular Hydrocodone (Lortab) 10/500 MG's. I take 5 of the regular hydrocodones per day.

But he said the 10/500 are wearing off a bit, after i told him i was getting break through pain before i was scheduled to take another pain med.

So he wanted to put me on 6 of the norco 10's, but i declined in fear of suffering some sort of withdrawal from 10/500 of Hydrocodones/Lortab 10/500. So he gave me a month to think about it and then he'd make the decision for what's best for me.

My question's:

Norco 10's, Are they the same as hydrocodone's/lortab 10/500's?

And like he told me, are they the same thing except with more Hydrocodone in it, and less Tylenol? Are they stronger than 10/500's?

advice on what i should do is appreciated, since most of you know alot about pain killers.