I began taking Wellbutrin a couple of months ago. I felt pretty OK at first, I didn't think about dying as much. but then started losing touch w my emotions. When I DID get upset, I would lash out on myself. it wasn't like I didn't have feelings at all, they just felt so mute and dull. I stopped taking it but still feel generally very numb. Will still get upset and cry but I don't? Feel as much? As I did before? I've read so many different forums and they have all said that Wellbutrin (and other antidepressants) do not have this effect. What is going on
Wellbutrin - emotional numbness?
Question posted by jy1111 on 24 March 2017
Last updated on 24 March 2017
jy111; I hope you did this with your doctor's blessing, But where every you are reading this can be a common effect of antidepressants Felling mellow or you don't care and numb. Not all do this and as you should or may know that this is the hit and miss with antidepressants. Which this is why sometimes the doctor has to try several different ones or use more than one to get the effect you need. There is nothing wrong with you but you really should get into seeing your doctor maybe make notes from now until you see the doctor so you can show them how you have been feeling and also your concerns. I do this lots of times because when I see the doctor I chicken out telling them some things but if it's on a note I hand them then I can't get away with it. p.s. Also jy. the longer you are off of the Wellbutrin these weird feelings should go away on their own. But you and I sound very much like people that should be on medications to control or fears or thoughts. And also remember many of these medications that we get are supplements that our bodies already make but not at the amount we need. So please my friend no reason to suffer call your doctor very soon PLEASE. AND HAVE A NICE EVENING. chuck1957
jy111; Don't let these thoughts worry you at all. We are the blessed ones and always remember there are so many people much worse off than you are. So keep plugging at finding the right medication it's out there sadly sometimes it can take 2 to 4 medication before we find the one that works the best for any one person but when you find it, It's like a whole new world opening up for you. Try to stay positive thinking, Breathe deep and slow exhale all of these tricks help me. And also don't think you are a bother write back anytime if myself or anyone else here can help you.
Related topics
wellbutrin, depression, major depressive disorder
Further information
- Wellbutrin uses and safety info
- Wellbutrin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Wellbutrin (detailed)
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