I was on Vyvanse (40 mg) for about a year to a year and a half... I never quite realized it (since I typically only take the pills during the semester), but it was making me REALLY anxious. (Heart palpitations, fight-flight feeling, general anxiety, etc.) I only put it together when I took a pill at the end of spring break (no classes or other stressors), and about an hour later (when it was metabolized, I assume) started feeling that way really badly. I haven't taken it since...

I also don't think it was really helping me all that much, beyond giving me a bit of energy, and wearing me out so I could sleep sooner. (Which was helpful, but it wasn't really doing anything for focus, etc.)

I had Ritalin as a kid, and teachers noticed no real difference. (neither did I, but what did I know at 8 years old?) I figured I'd skip that one this time around (almost 30 years later) as well...

I see the dr. in a couple of weeks. My question is this...
Adderall seems to work best for *so* many people, but given that it's basically 75% the same as Vyvanse, I wasn't sure whether I should ask to try swapping to it, or whether I would just have the same side effect... Especially since you only get 1 prescription fill (of anything) per 30 days... So if it happens to do the same thing, I'm up a creek for a month. :(

I realize that it's a shot in the dark, every drug is different, etc... But if someone has an adverse reaction to Vyvanse, do they typically have the same side effect on Adderall?

Is there a usual culprit for this reaction? I can drink tons of caffeine all day long (soda, coffee, energy drinks, etc) without issue, but that may or may not mean anything!