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Soma Questions
Displaying 64 questions associated with Soma.
What's the best muscle relaxant available with a prescription? All opinions wanted!
I'm about to start a skeletal muscle relaxant for physical therapy and need your help! Here are a list of skeletal muscle relaxants. Please select the one you have had the best results with and let me know about it! I would appreciate it so much! Thanks in advance! -Carisoprodol (Soma) ... read more
Soma for Fibromyalgia?
I am currently on Soma 350mg 3x daily for my Fibromyalgia with mild relief if I am having a mild day that is. Has anyone out there with Fibromyalgia ever taken anything but narcotics for your Fibromyalgia and have it work more than 20%? I cannot deal with the pain much more my muscles in my legs... read more
Any home remedies or med suggestions for severe restless leg syndrome?
I have severe restless leg syndrome. I am on requip for about a month and no relief. I also take lyrica, amrix and soma for my back (3 herniated disks). One leg will start and then go away and then the other leg starts. The sensations go from my feet to my hip just to explain the severity of it. I... read more
Does Soma show up in drug testing?
Does anyone know what Soma comes up as in a drug test?
Soma - Why won't doctors prescribe it anymore?
I've had severe chronic pain for a very long time. Due to blood work and negative mri, I've been left with a very weak foundation of a fibromyalgia diagnosis. I've asked three doctors to prescribe me this drug, and yet they'd rather put me on OxyContin butrans or vicotin. They... read more
Why have most doctors stopped prescribing carisoprodol for severe muscle spasms?
Why do they prefer Lyrica over soma for muscle spasms, and severe neurological painful conditions, because Lyrica has many terrible side effects according to my own experience between the two!
Need a substitute for Carisoprodol?
I have been using the generic (Carisoprodol) of Soma for quite a while for painful muscle spasms. Suddenly, Carisoprodol has been removed from the 2011 formulary list from my drug plan. The cost of Carisoprodol is several hundred dollars a month. Is there an alternative medication? I suffer from... read more
Gabapentin - Good or bad for muscle spasms?
I saw my primary doc today and asked if he would put me back on Soma since the pain mgmt clinic took all patients of this med. He suggested that I try Gabapentin. I told him I would give it a try. Has anyone had any luck with this helping for debilitating muscle spasms? The good news is he said if... read more
I was on Soma 350,Dr. changed me to Cyclobenzaprine 10 mg, told me thar the D.E.A was taking Soma?
... off and would not be able to prescribe it any more, has anybody heard of this?
Is it ok to take suboxone ansd soma toghether,even though suboxone has some pain qualities it just?
... wasnt enough for chronic back doc gave me soma,only problem when i take it ,it knocks me out and i take reccomended dose .i only take 4 mg suboxone maybe i should cut down to 2mg suboxone ?any suggestions
Carisoprodol - How much soma would be safe to stop cold turkey without the possibility of seizures?
I've been taking up to 10-12 350 mg somas throughout the day for anxiety, for a week and a half. I know that I can't take this responsibly anymore. I want to quit, but am afraid of seizures. I take 200 mg of Lamictal for depression each morning (which I understand is also an... read more
How to ensure I will not have a seizure when I stop taking xanax?
So about 2 weeks ago I had my first seizure. I am 23 yrs old n have been on numerous medications during the past few yrs (endocet, xanax, atenolol, adderal, soma, ambian) but xanax consistently for the past 2-3 yrs (for anxiety-but also helped me fall asleep) I never took the same amount daily, it... read more
How does 2mg Zanaflex compare to Soma 350mg?
I have daily headaches - have had them for over 30 years. I also suffer from migraines but Immetrix has taken care of those. My doctor just gave me Zanaflex 2mg. I've taken Soma before as muscle relaxant( for back pain) and wonder, before I start taking the Zanaflex, could someone compare the... read more
Is it safe to take1 Naproxen 500 MG tablet along with 1 Hydrocodone 7.5 tablet ?
Presently, I have excruciating back and leg pain and I take one Hydrocodone 750 plus one Carisoprodol 350 MG (Soma). The pain is still there. What shoul I do?
Further information
Related condition support groups
Nocturnal Leg Cramps, Muscle Spasm
Soma Patient information at
- Soma uses and safety info
- Soma prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Soma (detailed)