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Monistat 7 Questions

Displaying 6 faq questions associated with Monistat 7.

Why does Monistat burn/itch so bad?

Can you have sex while using Monistat?

Do you wash Monistat out in the morning?

How long do you have to lay down for after using Monistat?

I got Monistat 7 for a yeast infection and after 2 days my symptoms are gone except for an itch.

Can I stop using it? The discharge has gone and the swelling and irritation have gone but I am still rather itchy. Should I continue treatment? I am on day 4.

Can I put a tampon in to hold Monistat 7 inside me and is it safe to use with a tampon?

If not, why can't you use a tampon to hold it in? I cannot get the cream to stay in without a tampon. Is this safe?

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Further information

Related condition support groups

Vaginal Yeast Infection

Monistat 7 Patient information at