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Male Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 78 questions associated with Male.

Does Lisinopril side effects ever subside?

I am a 43 year old male with no other health problems besides hypertension. No known allergies no alcohol no drugs. I recently started Lisinopril 10mg daily for my hypertension. About a week into it I developed a scratchy cough. Did a little research found it to be a common problem. I could deal... read more

Is escitalopram safe for seniors 65 and up?

I a m a 68 year old male suffering from high blood pressure, anxiety and stress some depression. I have read a lot of reviews on this site. Does not mention elderly. Thank you

Lexapro is taking too long to help - side effects are awful?

I'm a 68 yo male with life-long history of depressive episodes that occur every 4 to 10 years. I may be dysthymic. About 11 years ago, I discovered Lexapro and it got me through a rough time. Now, here I am again. I have been taking escitalopram 10mg for 10 days, for a major depressive... read more

Can I take the powder out of cephalexin capsule and swallow it in the powder form?

I am a caretaker for an 82 year old male that has just been prescribed this antbiotic. I crush his evening pills but this comes in a capsule as does one of his medicstions. So I grind them and empty the capsule of powder into the rest and I want to empty the cephalexin on the rest for him to... read more

Side effects and withdrawal after only 5 days on 5mg Lexapro?

To start, I'm a 37 year old male. Two weeks ago, i had my first massive anxiety attack in over a decade. My PCP first gave me .5mg ativan to use PRN, but I was still having all-day feelings of anxiety days later. I was put on Lexapro (5mg day) for GAD, a week and a half ago, but after 5 days... read more

Can monistat harm a male penis?

I have I believe a pelvic inflammation infection I started using Monistat for it the second day of using it we had sex and cream got all over him this morning he showed me a what looks like a cut or maybe sore right by the head of his penis it was red and his penis was like whitish and ashy looking... read more

How does Concerta it make you feel the first time?

I am a 34 year old male. I was just prescribed 36mgs of Concerta. I have struggled with ADD for a while and it’s to the point It’s harder to keep things in order. It’s effecting my work and home life. I’ve never taken anything in relation to this medication before. I would... read more

Propranolol - does propranol make any one else sweat and is this a side effect?

I am a 31 year old male and have been put on imipramine and propranol for anxiety and headaches I have really bad experience of sweating a lot when been taking my propranol twice a day it is causing excessive sweating from mainly my head and face even when not doing stuff it happens to me sitting... read more

Escitalopram - Week 2 worse than Week 1?

I'm a 33 year old male who's been struggling with anxiety/depression/insomnia for the past month. I tried bupropion but that seemed to make my anxiety/insomnia worse! I switched to escitalopram 12 days ago. My doctor told me to start with 5mg for the first two days, then up it to 10mg.... read more

How long do side effects last after stopping propranalol?

140lb Male - I was recently on 20mg propranalol for tremors and had to stop on day three due to unwanted side effects such as, diarrhea, extreme fatigue/lethargy, lowered libido, problems with erectile function. I imagined these effects would go away quickly given the amount of time I had been on... read more

Methocarbamol differences?

Is methocarbamol 750mg the same as pregabalin? If not. what's the difference? I am a 28 year old male and suffer with Myotonia congenita just looking for something to help me with very bad muscle stiffness and locking from my head to my toes. Thanks for any information.

Are my meds causing me to sweat abnormally and uncontrollably?

I'm a 42 year old male and am prescribed Wellbutrin, Concerta in the morning Vyvanse around 1:00pm and Seroquel at bedtime. I can't even be outside if it's warm and people are around because my sweating is out of control. I'm wet like it's raining in a few minutes?

Sexual side effects in males on fluoxetine 20mg?

How common and what percentage are the sexual side effects of 20mg of fluoxetine. I take it in the morning due to doctors orders. Thank you in advance.

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