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Chest Questions

Displaying 64 questions associated with Chest.

Does anyone expierence palpitations or flutters in chest as a withdrawal symptom of effexor?

Effexor withdrawal symptoms?

Buspirone may be causing chest pain, anyone else ever experience this?

Hello, I have been on buspirone 5mg tablets at 3 times a day since the end of August,it is not mid October. About a week after taking it I went to the ER for chest pain. After EKG, blood tests, and chest X-ray nothing was found. Went for a follow up with my doctor and was told “it’s... read more

Do you ever feel your heart beating all over your chest, neck, and arms?

It's been happening quite a lot lately, especially when I lay down, and then I can't go to sleep. I've had fluttering, and can feel it beat all over. It reminds me of when I used to run, and afterwards, I could feel the blood flow throughout my legs, thumpety bump bump. Does this... read more

Naproxen - how long does it take for this drug to leave your system?

After feeling so ill with chest pains and shortness of breath , blurred vision and generally unwell I decided to check this medication out on this site. I had been prescribed Naproxen approx 2years ago for arthritis, I am also taking an antidepressant. I had treatment for blood clots in both lungs... read more

Having chest pain during sleep and after sleep?

then when I get up and stretch my arms I hear a clicking sound coming from my chest. I feel like someone punched me in the chest. I had really bad chest pain about two months ago but it was different because it would hurt every time I tiook a breath. I went to the hospital the told me I was having... read more

Discomfort in lungs/diaphragm/chest and tightness of throat 5 days after vomiting?

Last sunday I had a hangover and threw up (since then I have given up the alcohol and addressed my problem with that). During the vomiting, I was leaning against a building (not sure if that's relevant, but friends have commented that an odd posture might be the cause of the issue). Since... read more

Nortriptyline - Scared to take Nortryptiline =\?

back in October my PHP ptescribed me. Nortryptiline for chest wall pain (costhocondritis) and did not explain what this medicine was, She just mentioned it was form 'chronic pain' when I got home i saw it was AD. Never taken any AD in my life and I know Im not depressive, but I read all... read more

Lump on chest pain around heart/left lung area?

I have recently been having some pain that I thought was to do with my heart, but I have felt around my chest area and on the left side I have found a small lump but it feels like it should be apart of my bone, it feels very hard. I get sharp pains around my heart/left lung area at least once a... read more

Has anyone experienced racing heart with citalopram?

I've been on citalopram 10 mg for anxiety for almost a year now. My doctor upped the dose to 20mg a month ago. The past week I have been having troubles with my heart beating rapidly and my chest hurting and feeling tight. It is causing me to feel anxious. I'm not anxious about any one... read more

Plavix - Will Side Effects Go Away?

I just started taking Plavix after having a stent placed for leg swelling a few days ago. I am having some shortness of breath and mild pain in my chest but tolerable. I get winded if I walk more than 100 feet. Will these side effects go away as my body gets used to the med or are they here to stay?

Facing Gall Bladder removal without stopping my Plavix (blood thinner)?

I'd been having "chest pains" since June of 2016. After repeated ER visits, a catherization was done to find a blockage of 80%. A stent was placed, but the pains continued. They were quite severe at times. After numerous GI tests, they found my gall bladder was "inflamed and... read more

Citalopram - Ive been taking citalophram for 1 week and keep getting heart palpitations, I feel like

... my heart is beating out of my chest and then i feel like its stopped all together and i instantly panic and then i have a panic attack ... I am on the citalophram for depression but have not had a panic attack before starting the citalophram ... Is this a side effect if the drug ? I want to... read more

How bad will my acne get on accutane if I already been taking doxycycline ?

Ive recently been prescribed 20mg accutane. I've had Acne on my face, back, chest & shoulders since I was 13. I'm nearly 18 now. I've been taking doxycycline & tretinoin gel for the past couple months and I've been looking a lot better lately. I've already went... read more

Omeprazole - How long before prilosec is out of my system?

I took prilosec for 6 weeks. At first it help with my acid reflex but then i start feeling chest palpations and my chest would like someone was stabbing me. So I quit taken and I am still dealing with the palpations and pain . How does it take before it out of my system.

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