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Canker Sore Questions

Displaying 10 questions associated with Canker Sore.

Does salt water help mouth ulcers?

Does Mucinex help with a sore throat?

Wellbutrin - Have any of you experienced sever canker sores or mouth ulcers on this medication?

My boyfriend has been on this medication for about a month and a half now and has experienced canker sores off and on. Recently, it has gotten worse. He now has sores all over his mouth and even on his tonsils. His tongue is all cut up as well. Have any of you experienced this? If so, what did you... read more

Canker sores - what causes them and how do you stop getting them?

Does anyone else have issues with mouth sores(canker sores)? Was diagnosed 8 months ago with hypothyroidism, started with levothyroxine as meds... am now on synthroid, still not feeling "normal self" and have gained almost 25 lbs... have taken all wheat, corn, & gluten out of diet and... read more

I have Psoriatic Arthritis & am suffering with constant mouth sores?

I have Psoriatic Arthritis and have been taking Methotrexate since April. I have been suffering with mouth sores like never before. I have been prone to canker sores all of my life but never like this. I have read that taking Methotrexate can cause mouth sores but I do not know if the mouth sores... read more

I recently was put on Prednisone for 1 week. After I finished the medication, I found that I was?

... getting Canker sores inside my mouth. I have never had so many Canker sores at one time. They have been very painful and have been having trouble eating because of the pain. Is this a side affect after the medication is stopped? I was put on Prednisone because I had a severe attack of Arthritis.

I get a lot of canker sores typically 1-5 at once and very often?

I get canker sores wayyy to often and wayy to many at a time. I've read the internet and how anxiety and stress and low iron or vitamin came cause it. I do stress a lot and do have anxity, I don't bite my gums or anything like that

What is the mixture of Mary's magic potion. Its a mouthwash for treatment of mouth canker sores?

this material is blended by pharmacist

Canker sore while on nystatin?

Hi, I am on day 5 of nystatin for oral thrush. I take 5ml of nystatin 4 times daily and the white stuff on my mouth went away. It seemed to be getting better but today I saw a canker sore on my tongue and I began to get worried that the medicine isn’t working?

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