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Which is stronger for pain after knee surgery, ibuprofen 800mg or tramadol 50mg?

4 Answers

lineman1 23 April 2013

All, three previous answers seem to be on point. You should always consult your on doctor with any kind of concerns of that nature( and let me add from my own past experience, sometimes, even doctors can't factor in everything, so I would suggest making your concerns very clear to your doctor, yes, even if it does take a few .ore minutes out of their busy schedule) with that being said, I have myself been prescribed both meds at the same time, because the do work differently, but if its one or the other, I would go with the ibuprofen for the swelling, cause that's where I understand from having surgery in the past, the majority of the pain stems from!! I hope this helps you make the best decision for you!!!

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Delila 23 April 2013

I would ask your doctor for his/her opinion, that way you will know what you are taking is safe for you. If you are on any other medications this needs to be factored in. Personally, i would go for Ibuprofen with Paracetamol (acetaminophen). Tramadol can be habit forming and also carry a lot of side effects. Ibuprofen will help the pain and swelling, Paracetamol will also help the pain. Ibuprofen should not be taken if you have any stomach problems, so bare that in mind.

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Dukka Dugg 16 March 2017

If your doc recommends Parcet, Acet or TYLENOL(same thing all deadly) ? Find a new doctor

MacIntosh12 23 April 2013

Hi rey jasso,
My dog, who weighs thirty pounds is on 50mgs of tramadol, daily. So, as kaismama has already said, you can take both of them and not be affected in any dangerous way, and you can mix them as she also said.
IF your question was an either/or situation, I'd go with the ibuprofen.
Best wishes to you and a speedy recovery,

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kaismama 23 April 2013

It doesn't have to be an either or. If you just had the surgery your dr should have prescribed something for it, however you can take both tramadol and ibuprofen , they will work differently and may help you better then either one alone.

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pain, ibuprofen, tramadol, surgery, knee

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