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Results for 'Vitamin C Vitamins Quinine Xarelto'

Can I take quinine while taking xarelto?

I am recovering from a arterial Occlusion and also had a inside bleed following the procedure, which caused a fairly good sized hematoma. Can I take... read more

Is it safe to take vitamin supplements while on Xarelto?

I started taking Xarelto about weeks ago. I am interested in taking a supplement that contains Vit A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D3, Folic Acid,... read more

Do foods high in vitamin K interfear with taking Xarelto? What foods should be avoided?

Taking to prevent stroke. Most blood thinners react with vitamin K. Can I still eat all the leafy green vegetables I like. I eat alot of... read more

I Was told I was low in vitamin D and read that vitamin D3 is the vitamin to take. It's all confusi?

I Was told I was low in vitamin D and read that vitamin D3 is the vitamin to take. It's all confusing to me. I am a 69 year... read more

How long till my Vitamin D supplements make me feel better?

I was just diagnosed with low Vitamin D. I originally went to the doctor because of severe leg, feet, and hand cramps. He did blood work, and... read more

I just started my prescrp. 3 days ago 50,000 iu vitamin d. How long til I start feeling better?

I was informed I am at a 21 should be 32 in the level of vitamin d.

Is it harm to use vitamin B complex and calcium with vitamin D3 in pregnancy?

What is the recommended dose if there is possibility of using of such vitamins during pregnancy in my question.

What are antioxidants and should you take supplements?

Be Careful taking Vitamin D! If you are sensitive, there are numerous side effects, some quite?

... debilitating. Chest pain, joint pain, insomnia, fatique, itching, depression and much more!!! Please take small doses and work up gradually - and... read more

Vitamin B for liver health - If I stop how quickly would this make a difference?

Hi all, I take a strong vitamin B complex tablet daily to help my liver along. I ran out a few days ago, i want to know how quickly this... read more

What side effects happen at each dose of 50,000 units of vitamin D?

I took my first dose of 50,000 units of vitamin (D2) this past Friday night. I was prescribed 50,000 units once a week for 12 weeks. I... read more

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