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Results for 'Valium Depression Mania Bipolar Disorder Anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder Risperidone'

What are alternatives to risperidone?

Is there an alternative to risperidone? My my daughter is bipolar & still hears voices in her head ☹️

Help with auditory hallucinations?

I have bipolar and ptsd, and i have severe auditory hallucinations. I take risperidone and it used to help but it’s no longer... read more

Looking for valium experiances... twice weekly users?

Today im going to the doc and requesting valium while i transition into new antidepressants. i was wondering if anyone who has used... read more

On 10mg Valium built a tolerance is there anything stronger I cant take xanax or klonopin?

i been on 10mgs of Valium 3x a day i dont know if theres anything they can give me stronger been on Valium for 8 moths i have very... read more

What if you took 30mg of Valium a day and doctor switch you to 4mg Klonopin a day?

I was talking 30 mg of Valium a day for 1 and 1/2 years they just was not working up and down all night I too all 3 at once to try to get... read more

How does escitalopram effect people that have a history of childhood ADHD?

I was wondering if this would actually make my anxiety worse that it already is, because of my history of ADHD. I know that in some... read more

Quetiapine - Im bipolar and trying to become pregnant. I told this to my pdoc, but he put me on?

... 100mg of seroquel anyway. Im on day three, and feel anxious-even with my clonapam and 200mg of zoloft. something just doesn't feel right,... read more

Risperidone for anxiety, will it get better?

I am on Risperidone as of a month ago. I started at .25 twice a day. I just got out on 1.5 mg a week ago from 1mg. It’s only been a week... read more

Is it normal to have head pressure constant, migraines, non stop when withdrawing from valium?

I was placed on xanax for anxiety/depression for 6 years and then taken of and placed on valium which has been for the... read more

I just started on Lamictal,feeling weird,is this normal?

I have bn diagnosed as hypo manic,also generalized anxiety disorder w depression and ocd ,and have, panic... read more

What type of symptoms will I experience if I stop taking Zoloft abruptly?

My pharmacy was out of my off brand of Zoloft for over six days…. I was on 200mg a day… when I was unable to get the sertraline I... read more

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