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Results for 'Trazodone Sleeping Prescription'

How do I use prescription sleeping pills safely?

Is trazodone good for sleeping aid?

Not sleeping after taking 200 mg trazodone?

6 year old on 200 mg trazodone but still won't sleep. Parent states she gave it to him at 7 p.m., still fully awake at 4 a.m. She also... read more

In the state of Washington, how many sleeping pills can a doctor issue at one time?

Can my doctor give me at the same time Belsomra 20mg take one, trazodone 50mg take four, and Zolpidem12.5mg take one?

Does anyone use trazodone occassionally for sleeping?

Can trazodone cause rashes?

I have been on trazodone for 2 plus weeks. It has helped my insomnia. I can't complain as I was not sleeping. After a week I... read more

Depression - I'm going to start taking trazodone 50 mg for sleeping.

What else is it used for?

Is it normal to be tired during the day while taking trazodone?

I was diagnosed with major depression about 3 years ago and have been managing it since 2014. Its been fine since then but about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I... read more

Clonazepam - I was put on 50mg trazodone and .5 clonozepam?

I have chronic insomnia bu recently it got really bad cant sleep at all. I was put on 50mg trazodone and .5 clonozepam but it worked only... read more

Trazodone - I took 100 mg of trazadone last night and it did not help me sleep at all... in fact, I?

... cried for an hour straight and ended up taking otc sleeping pills to calm me down/fall asleep last night at 1 a.m. I woke up at 4 a.m.... read more

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