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Results for 'Toradol'

Toradol Support Group Editor's Pick

Ask questions and get answers about Toradol. Our support group helps people share their own experience. 23 questions, 32 members, 9 news articles.

Toradol - I had a shot of Toradol nine hours ago at an urgent care for kidney pain.

How long do I need to wait before taking ibuprofen? Pain is returning and I'd like to be able to sleep tonight.

I am a diabetic and use toradol shots every 8 days, is there a large risk?

My toradol shots are 60mg, I take insulin once a day, these shots help a lot as I have a bad back and hips.

Can Toradol give a positive result on test?

Positive for opiates

How long does a shot of Toradol last?

I suffer from migraines went to doctors today and I got a shot of Toradol. How long does a shot of Toradol last?

Can taking Toradol raise your blood sugar?

Does Toradol make you feel high? Do people abuse it?

I just had all my top teeth pulled and dentures put in. I was gave toradol for pain. Has anyone eve?

... taken.this, because I am still in a lot of pain. It is 10mg. Should I double up. Also can u lett your dentures soak in polident all night, or... read more

Is the mixture of Toradol and Kenalog in a shot bad for your body?

I have been getting shots for the past year in my neck, back, wrists, and right leg. I am receiving shots in the groin area now for my right leg.... read more

Why is it recommended to take Toradol for only 5 days or less?

I have ongoing back pain and I tried Toradol for 2 days, and it seems to be helping, where other medications have not.

Amyone else take Flexeril & Toradol for muscle spasms?

I suffer from muscle spasms due to, sciatica and fibromyalgia. I'm on Flexeril, Toradol, Lyrica, and Ultram. I get this tightens in my... read more

Is toradol addictive?

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