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Results for 'Soma Spinal Cord Trauma'

Spinal Cord Injury - Prialt users for SCI chronic pain?

Gabapentin and Baclofen stop helping. Epidurals and finally got a pain pump and try Dilaudid. Just got on prialt. Can you tell me what to expect? Is... read more

How long does Lyrica stay in your system?

Healing time after spinal cord stimulator battery replacement?

My spinal cord stimulator has reached its' end of life after 9 years, and my doctor is making arrangements with my insurance... read more

Soma Compound - Why is Soma no longer available in Texas?

January 2015 my pain mgmt doc said he can no longer prescribe Soma in Texas. Why? It's the only thing that works!

I was on Soma 350,Dr. changed me to Cyclobenzaprine 10 mg, told me thar the D.E.A was taking Soma?

... off and would not be able to prescribe it any more, has anybody heard of this?

How bad is a spinal tap or lumbar puncture?

Especially interested in anyone who wasn't sedated. I've been awake for my endoscopy and colonoscopy with sedation which everyone else... read more

Spinal tap headaches and when do they usually heal after the procedure is done?

So, I got it done Sunday and well, the pain sucked until wed when I went back in to get a blood patch, it stopped and a little over 30 hours the... read more

How long does spinal tap take to heal?

I had a spinal tap Monday. It is Friday I have a spinal headache. The question I have is when the procedure is done are you supposed... read more

Anyone have the most painful week of their life after a spinal tap?

Could the doctor doing the procedure have done something wrong? The doctor told me it was a more invasive procedure because they were checking the... read more

Does Soma show in a urine test and for how long after you stop taking it is it out of your system?

How long do you have to wait until you can start a new muscle relaxer?

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