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Results for 'Sleep Disorders Sleep Fatigue Sleeping'

I accidentally took my sleeping pill again in the morning (15mg dose of Remeron). What now?

Is this going to cause any issues, keeping in mind that I took another 15mg dose last night? Can I still take another 15mg tonight to... read more

Can I take a light sleeping pill with clindamycin. I've just been switched to it from fragyl?

I am suffering days of insomnia even after being off fragyl almost 3 days. Today is my first day of clindamycin. I just want even a night of... read more

Can you use amitripyline as and when needed to help with sleep?

I'm not sleeping well after some devastating family news. My mind goes into overdrive and keeps me awake. I've been prescribed... read more

Week 3 of 50 mg trazadone up all night or wake up after only 5-6 hours of sleep?

I also had 2 nights this past week where I was sleeping for maybe 30 min at a time then awake. It was terrible felt like crap dragging myself... read more

Why am I unable to sleep after taking Ambien?

Xanax - for sleeping upping my dose?

I only take this drug for sleep, for 5 years now. I take the 2mg white bars. But even sometimes I don’t sleep great... read more

Is Ambien a benzo?

Ambien: What are 11 Things You Need to Know?

Extended release tramadol - I can't sleep!!?

I've been prescribed extended (slow) release tramadol, 100mg dose twice a day. The doctor said to the them 12 hours apart. The problem is... read more

I am on Vyvanse for my ADHD and I've been having trouble sleeping. How can I get more sleep?

I am a 15 year old girl and I've been taking Vyanse since I was about 8. School just got out and my mom wanted me to gradually get off my... read more

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