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Results for 'Restless Legs Syndrome Sleep Latuda'

Latuda - Does restless leg issues subside?

I began to have restless leg issues about 2 days after starting. Considering it is a side effect, will it subside?

Does anyone have Restless arm syndrome - what medicine do you take?

... my psychiatrist gave me clonazepam for restless leg syndrome over 7 years ago and when I was able to speak with a neurologist from... read more

Restless Legs Syndrome - Has anyone ever taken bentztropine for Restless Legs? Did it help?

Any side effects? My med is not working, (carbidopa/levadopa).I need a change, but my Insurance only covers about 4 generics. Need help, have severe... read more

Has anyone taken metaxalone 800mg for restless legs and did it help?

I took it for the first time last night and again I was up all night. My legs to my feet and up to the lower back hurt from being tensed up... read more

Has anyone tried l-theanine at bedtime to counter bouts of restless legs syndrome (RLS)?

There have been some reports that it helps increase dopamine levels in the nervous system. Some of the medicines given to prevent RLS, like... read more

Restless Legs Syndrome - Has anyone experienced restless leg using Benadryl?

I'm thinking of using this to help treat chronic insomnia. My sister says it gives her RLS. So looking for input from anyone. Thanks :-)

Restless Legs Syndrome - Could celexa cause restless leg syndrome?

I've been taking it for 4 weeks. I've also been taking levothyroxyn for a few months and recently started celexa for my anxiety and... read more

What relief are you finding for 'restless leg syndrome'?

I wake up in the morning with such sore calf muscles. using ropinerole

How do I reduce symptoms of restless leg syndrome?

For over five years I have had bouts of RLS. The other night I almost went to the ER it was so bad. I actually thought I had damaged a muscle in my... read more

Restless Leg syndrome symptoms?

So I’m wondering if I have restless leg syndrome because I have been on Clonazepam for almost three weeks. The way I would... read more

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