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Results for 'Percocet Hyperhidrosis Sleep Disorders Sleep'

I take .25 mg Xanax at night to sleep...if I don't take it, I don't sleep?

Currently I am in a lot of pain from wisdom teeth extraction. Oral surgeon gave me Percocet but I am nervous to take it at night when I have... read more

Should I be concerned with my legs sweating a lot while I sleep? It is only my legs that sweat?

I have noticed that in the last couple weeks my legs and only my legs sweat a lot while I sleep and I wake up through out the night bc... read more

Is it okay to combine these (2) meds? diphenhydramine (simply sleep pills) and oxycodone (percocet)?

... I have trouble sleeping after I take the pain killers

I have stopped taking tramodol for 2 days help me pls?

i stopped taking them and i have started sweating i am hot then cold i can't sleep i have headaches very weak no energy at all is... read more

What are everyone's experiences taking Seroquel for sleep?

Just wondering of any side effects users have experienced when taking Seroquel as a sleep aid. When you wake up in the morning do you... read more

What sleep aids may I take while on letrozole?

Is it ok to take Simply Sleep? Or Unisom?

Sleep Disorders-Is there a one-time "knock-out" drug to guarantee sleep the night before wedding?

I've wrestled with insomnia on and off since high school. It's almost always anxiety-related and I've tried everything from Tylenol PM... read more

How Does Zoloft cause sleep problems as dose is decreased? What can help sleep?

No previous antidepressant have been taking 50mg of Generic Zoloft for 15 months 4 days ago reduced to 37.5 mg Zoloft Sleep now very... read more

Can blood pressure meds. make u feel deathly sick and can't function at all?

sick on stomach, throwing up,unbearable headache,blasts of laser like beams in my head if i dozed off to sleep,dizzie,hot and cold... read more

Why am I unable to sleep after taking Ambien?

Can you use amitripyline as and when needed to help with sleep?

I'm not sleeping well after some devastating family news. My mind goes into overdrive and keeps me awake. I've been prescribed amitripyline... read more

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